This is the repository for the COSC3500: High Performance Computing Project.
This project contains a serial, OpenMP and MPI C++ implementation of the Primordial Particle system described in the article published in Nature: "How life emerges from a simplistic particle motion law".
Article: YouTube Video:
Some of the radius and velocity scaling functionality was used with help from:
The MPI Implementation cartesian coordinate system was built with guidance from:
The project structure is broken into two source directories:
- src: for serial / OpenMP implementations
- mpi_src: for MPI implementation
This is for ease of use, and because of the fundamental changes made in the MPI impelementation.
For using the serial / OpenMP implementation:
- Ensure conda Python3 is in the PATH, or you are in a conda Python3 environment with matplotlib and numpy installed.
- Modify the parameters in the settings.json file
- On windows, install mingw32 and add mingw32-make to the PATH, and then run 'mingw32-make all' in the src directory.
- On Linux, simply run 'make all' in the src directory.
- For OpenMP use, set the following variable in bash: export OMP_NUM_THREADS=n, where n is the number of threads
- Then, run the particles executable by using -n <num_proc> ./particles
- A gif of the run and an image of the start state will be saved to the results directory.
For using the MPI implementation:
First run the following in your terminal:
- module load gnu
- module load mpi/openmpi3_eth
- Run make in the mpi_src directory
- Modify the parameters in the settings.json file
- Then run the particles executable by using mpiexec -n <num_proc> ./particles_mpi, where n is the desired number of MPI processes
- A gif of the run and an image of the start state will be saved to the results directory.
- The MPI implementation sometimes hangs indefinitely on larger problem sizes and low numbers of processes (due to memory scaling errors), it is recommended if running a very large simulation (8000+ particles) to use at least 10 MPI processes. Otherwise, the density parameter can be reduced to 4 if you wish to run large problem sizes with only a few MPI processes.
- If an error is reported in python file regarding array index errors, run make clean in the mpi_src directory (this can happen if changing the number of processes run if there are more binary files than processes)
- nagualdesign, “Primordial Particle System”. Github. (accessed Sep. 2, 2022).
- mokarrom, “mpi-part-simulation”. Github. (accessed Oct. 21, 2022)