This check list is mandatory to be applied before release and pull requests respectively.
Go thru the check list, answer the question. If there is any question resulting in 'NO' then correct. After correction of all points repeat the complete procedure again, to avoid regressions.
Applicability: upload to Hackage, release
- Is version number in file 'package.yaml' set according to the rules stated in the beginning of file ''?
- Has the version an entry in file '' according to its rules?
Applicability: upload to Hackage, release, pull request
- Is there no code commented out that has also no TODO?
- Are all comments with TODOs valid and according to the intended change?
Applicability: upload to Hackage, release, pull request
- Are all changes reflected in documentation?
- Do have all modules a proper description?
- Do have all exported classes, functions and types a proper description?
- Do have all internal functions a proper description or at least a commment with a TODO?
Applicability: upload to Hackage, release, pull request
Functions that are functions to automate test will not be tested automatically by itself they will be tested manually.
Are all functions to automate test show negative result when they should?
Therefore, test manually:
- For each test function, build equivalence classes of parameters, change the parameters accordingly to verify whether test results are always valid.
- Are all changes reflected in tests?
Are all the tests of functions commented in the following form:
{- * validated: ✅ * completeness: ✅ * independence: ✅ * edge cases : ✅ * conform doc.: ✅ -}
Do the comments reflect the truth according to the criteria below?
- the complete set of possible test values/data is used in unit tests, or values for all possible equivalence classes are used or ramdom sample values/data from complete set of possible values/data is used in case of high-volume cases (QuickCheck)
- test method is independent from library functions that are under test, or dependent on tested functions
edge cases:
- edge cases are tested by unit tests (HUnit)
conform doc.:
- all tests are conform to documentation, e.g. source code comments by haddock)
Are all the tests of classes commented in the following form:
{- * validated: ✅ * documented: ✅ * laws : ✅ * characteristics : ✅ * prefix : ✅ * short description: ✅ * completeness: ✅ * all laws documented : ✅ * all type combinations : ✅ * stubbed for default functions: ✅ -}
Do the comments reflect the truth according to the criteria below?
- documented:
- laws: laws and its criteria are described and are verifyable
- characteristics: the general characteristics of the class are described
- prefix the prefix of the class is given
- short description a short description is given
- completeness:
- the class is tested to fulfill all laws
- the class is tested for all types and type combinations, respectively and the class is tested for all types and type combinations
- stubbed: if any, the default functions of the class are also tested by stub instance(s), as well
- documented:
Are all the tests of modules commented in the following form:
{- * validated: ✅ * documented: ✅ * completeness: ✅ -}
Do the comments reflect the truth according to the criteria below?
documented: there is completely and correct filled header like:
{-| Description : ... convinient functions to use the GHC API. Copyright : (c) Jörg Karl-Heinz Walter Brüggmann, 2021-2024 License : BSD-3-Clause Maintainer : Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX The module 'Test.Tasty.Internal.GhcApiWrap' provides helper functions to use the GHC API more conviniently. Suggested import line: 'import qualified Test.Tasty.Internal.GhcApiWrap as Ghc' ...
It follows a general description of the purpose of the module.
- all classes are in the root test group
- all global functions have tests in the root test group
- all classes are validated
- all global functions are validated
Applicability: upload to Hackage, release, pull request
Delete build and test output completely
rm -r ./.iotest/ rm -r ./.stack-work
Build and install software
stack build
stack install
stack test
stack haddock
Is there NO warning or error during build process?
Is there NO warning or error during install process?
Is there NO warning or error during test build process?
Are all tests successful?
Is there NO warning or error during documentation build process (haddock)?
Applicability: upload to Hackage
When executing
cabal check
does it display the following output?No errors or warnings could be found in the package.
When executing
cabal gen-bounds
does it display the following output?Congratulations, all your dependencies have upper bounds!
- If no, update section 'dependencies:' in file 'package.yaml' accordingly
When executing
stack sdist
does it display no warning or errors and is the tarball file available?
Applicability: upload to Hackage
Upload the tarball file as Package candidate here:
When the prior step was successful, upload the tarball file as Package candidate here:
In case the documentation is not been properly available, execute the following commands:
$ cabal haddock --haddock-html-location='$pkg-$version/docs' --haddock-hyperlink-source --haddock-quickjump --haddock-for-hackage $ cabal upload -d --publish <PathToTarbalFile>.tar.gz
Check the result of the build that Hackage attempts to do on following address