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PM code for cosmological simulation
        A. Klypin (NMSU) 2016
	Version PMP2
Most important parameters:

  NROW  = defines the number of particles in a simulation:
           Nparticles = NROW**3
  NGRID = defines the number of grid points in each direction
          Total number of grid points is NGRID**3
  Box   = size of computational box in Mpc/h units

Memory requirements:

  Particles: 6*4*NROW**3  bytes = 24GB *(NROW/1024)**3
  Mesh     :   4*NGRID**3 bytes = 4GB  *(NGRID/1024)**3
  For some analysis one needs 1 extra array of NROW**3 length
               to store density
	       Extra memory = 4Gb*(NROW/1024)**3

               Recommended configuration: NGRID = 2NROW

Directories and input files:

          PMP2 - code directory
	  Working directory has structure:

	      The only file, which must be present before
	      simulation is initiated is the power spectrum PkTable.dat
	      Files Init.dat, Setup.dat, and TableSeeds.dat  will be created if they are
	      not found.

	      Subdirectories SubDir1, SubDir2, .... are working subdirectories
	      used for separate runs. Their names are arbitrary -- any will do it.

Initiation of simulations:
           File Init.dat is used to set initial configuration of a given set of simulations.
	   Simulations in the set will only deviate by initial random seed used to
	   set initial conditions. Random seeds are stored (and generated) in file
           You do not not need to type or create this file. A template of this
	   file will be created the first time you run PMP2init.exe
	   If the code does not find the file in directory, from which it was
	   initiated, it will create a template and quit.

           Structure of Init.dat:
	     Box      =  500.000
	     Nrow     =      600
	     Ngrid    =      1200
	     sig8     =     0.828
	     z_init   =   100.000
	     step da  =  2.0000E-04
	     z_final  =     0.000
	     #outputs =        12
	     50. 25.  2.50 1.50 1.00 0.80 0.70 0.50 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00
	     dens_thr =    30.000
	     Vrms     =    50.000
	     #Params  =        10
	     Parametr =     0.000
	     Parametr =     0.000
	     Parametr =     0.000
	     Parametr =     0.000
	     Parametr =     0.000
	     Parametr =     0.000
	     Parametr =     0.000
	     Parametr =     0.000
	     Parametr =     0.000
	     Parametr =     0.000

             Edit the file to change the parameters. It is used only to
	     initiate the simulations. So, it is used *only once* at the very beginning of
	     each simulation.

	     File Setup.dat will be used *every time* the simulation is analyzed or simulation
	     Most of parameters (but not all) in the Setup.dat are only for
	     information. Their actual values are stored in data files PMcrdXXX and cannot be
	     changed. For example, parameters defining cosmology (Omegas, hubble, sigma8) and
	     NGRID, NROW cannot be modified.
	     Parameters such as Bias Parameters can be modified.


        Stored in directory PMP2. Edit 'makefile', if you want to change
	compilation setup. Code uses ifort compiler. Not clear whether gfortran
	will work.

	make PMP2main      -- compile the PM code
	make PMP2start     -- compile the IC code
	make PMP2init      -- compile the initialization code
	make PMPanalysis   -- compile analysis code to be used to analyze
	                              specific snapshot

Running the code:

        - open directory PMP2 and place code there
	- compile the code by issuing four 'make' statements above
	- open working directory. Copy PkTable.dat to that directory
	- run PMP2init.exe two times. The first time the code generates
	       Init.dat file. Modify it and re-run PMP2init.exe
	- open a subdirectory (any) in that directory and 'cd' to it.
	- modify environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS according to the number
	           OpenMP threads you have on compute node. For example,
		   export OMP_NUM_THREADS=32
		   to run the code with 32 threads. Typically the number of
		   threads is equal to the number of cores.
	- run PMP2start.exe
	      The code will ask you to input one parameter: realization number.
	- run PMP2main.exe
	      The code will ask you to input the maximum number of time-steps for
	      this run. Give it a very large number (say, 100000), if you want to
	      finish the simulation in one run.
	- as the code runs, it will make analysis of moments that were provided in
	      Setup.dat file.

Selecting the number of time-steps:
       - the code uses variable time-stepping scheme. Specifically,
         for most of time the time step is constant da in the expansion
	 parameter a, but from time-to-time the time step da is increased
	 by factor 3/2. This happens when two conditions are satisfied:
	 (a) z>2 and (b) da/a < (StepF/1.25), where factor StepF is a parameter,
	 that defines how many time-steps are used for a particular run. The value
	 of StepF is defined by the initial time-step: stepF = (da/a)_init
	 The factor 1.25 is used to avoid an immediate increase in da at the beginning
	 for simulation. It also ensures that the time-step da/a stays close
	 (within 25%) to the initial da/a. At a> 1/3 (z<2) the time-step da is
	 constant so that the relative time-step da/a decreases with time.
	 For a simulation with initial z=100 and da=4e-4 (da/a=0.04) the
	 number of steps is 136, and the number of times for time-step changes is 9.
	 At a=1 the time-step is da=0.0152. Changing initial da/a to 0.02 gives 271
	 steps with the same (9) number of moments to modify the time-step.
       - During the periods when time-step is constant, the code uses the leap-frog
         integration scheme with the velocities lagging behind coordinates by
	 half time-step:
	        V_(1/2)  = V_(-1/2) + g_0 da,
		X_(1)    = X_(0)    + V_(1/2) da,
         where numbers in parenthesis indicate moment of time in units of
	 current time-step da
       - When time-step is increased, it is always increased by factor 1.5.
         To account for the time-change, velocities are interploted to new time.
Analysis of snapshots:

       - Analysis of results can be done on the fly: as the PM code
        running for specified list of redshifts
       - Alternatively, it can be done for saved snapshot. Use PMP2analyze.exe
         do do this. You will be prompted to input snapshot number to analyze.
       - Selection of different analysis tools is done in routine 'Analysis' in
         module PMP2mod_analyze
       - There are five parameters that define whether particular tool is selected or not:
         If parameter is set to '1' the tool is selected. Here is the table
	 in PMP2mod_analyze.f90 

           !-----  Fill the table for things to analyze
             iPower         = 0   !-- all particles Power spectrum 
             iPowerRSD      = 0   !       redshift distortions for DM
             iDensityDistr  = 0   !-- PDF for DM for different cell-sizes
             iBias          = 1   !-- Biasing model
             iSave          = 0   !-- Save snapshot

       - iPower=1  makes real-space power spectrum of all particles on Ngrid**3 mesh
                   Results are given in a file with name PowerDM.R.xxxx.yyyy.dat
		   where xxxx codes the redshift and yyyy is the relization number
		   xxxx is the redshift muliplyied by 100. E.g., z=0.25 gives xxxx=0025

       - iPowerRSD=1 gives the power spectrum in redshift space for dark matter.
                    For this to work, parameter iPower should have value 1
		    Power spectra for DM in real-space, P_0 and P_2 will be placed
		    in file PowerDM.Z.xxxx.yyyy.dat. The power spectra are estimated
		    on twice smaller mesh (Ngrid/2). Redshift distortions are done
		    in all three directions and results are averaged over the three
		    In order to compensate for resolution, a random gaussian velocity is added
		    along the lin-of-sight for each DM particle. This is done only
		    for particles with density exceeding a threshhold rho_th and the
		    magnitude is defined by parameter Vrms: deltaV = Vrms*(dens-rho_th)**(1/3)
		    Parameters rho_th and Vrms are provided in Setup.dat file:
		            5.00000E+01       Density Threshold for V correction 
                            5.00000E+01       rms V correction factor
       - iDensityDistr=1 creates PDF of dark matter on 5 meshes: Ngrid, Ngrid/2 ... Ngrid/16
                    Results  are placed in file DensDistrDM.xxxx.yyyy.dat

       - iSave=1 saves snapshot on the disk for subsequent analysis.

       - iBias=1 applies biasing model to generate a mock galaxy catalog.
                 Biasing model is in subroutine BiasParticles in module PMP2mod_analyze.
		 The code loops through all DM particles and makes a decision if
		 a particle is a 'galaxy' or not. Selected galaxies are written
		 into file GalaxiesZ.xxxx.yyyy.dat



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