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A Scheme implementation written in C. Assignment for the lecture "Design und Implementation fortgeschrittener Programmiersprachen" at Media University Stuttgart - summer term 2016

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Assignment for the lecture "Design und Implementation fortgeschrittener Programmiersprachen" at Media University Stuttgart - summer term 2016

(JS (shortFor JScheme (shortFor JojoScheme (shortFor JohannesScheme))))

JS is a simple scheme implementation written in C. The name was chosen intentionally and may be confused with scheme interpreters written in Java. This is not the case. Only C and scheme code here.

Getting started

  1. Install

    git clone
    cd ./JScheme
    make js
  2. Run



  • Interactive AST Interpreter with REPL
  • JS supports closures and lexical scopes via inner defines/lambdas
  • JS supports Continuation-passing style (CPS) with Tail calls
    • switch between CPS and non CPS-mode interactively
  • JS supports overflow detection for numbers
  • JS supports colored output if available
  • JS has a small checkers game demo

when compiled with DEBUG ( which is default so far )

  • JS supports a nice list of debug options

Debug options

In JS type %XY to toggle an option or print help

  • % -> print debug option list
  • %CP -> turn CPS on/off
  • %DT -> print detailed types of jscheme atoms
  • %ET -> print a colored eval trace ( works only in non CPS mode )
  • %PS -> print stack frames of CPS (works only in CPS mode)
  • %PI -> print detailed info when using (include "someFile.scm")

JScheme demo

A checkers game written in JScheme

This is my helloWorld scheme program using the minimal functionality of JScheme :)

  • run with (include "checkers.scm") in JS
| Round: 1 white: 12 red: 12 | WHITEs move
| Moves left before draw: 40 |

 col 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
row -------------------------
 A |    rr    rr    rr    rr | A
 B | rr    rr    rr    rr    | B
 C |    rr    rr    rr    rr | C
 D | ..    ..    ..    ..    | D
 E |    ..    ..    ..    .. | E
 F | ww    ww    ww    ww    | F
 G |    ww    ww    ww    ww | G
 H | ww    ww    ww    ww    | H
     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8

 JS> (move F1 E2)

TO-DO: Enforce jumps, detect multi-jumps, implement a cool AI in JScheme.

A stupid tail call infinity loop demo

  • run with (include "tailcallDemo.scm") in JS

# JScheme DOCS

For more detailed examples please have a look at the "checkers.scm" demo or "init.scm"!


  • nil
  • #t
  • #f
  • #void
  • numbers ( integers only atm )
  • strings
  • symbols
  • lists
  • functions

Builtin functions

  • + plus

  • - minus

  • * times

  • / quotient

  • > greater than

  • eq? compare js objects

  • cons? is a list?

  • car get the first element of a list

  • cdr get the rest of a list (exclusive the first element)

  • cons make a new list

  • set-car! set the first element of a list

  • set-cdr! set the rest of a list

  • display print for user output ( strings without quotes )

  • write print to read back ( strings with quotes )

  • string=? compare strings

  • include a file ( read in, evaluate and give control back to interactive REPL)

     JS> (include "some File.scm")

Builtin syntax

(All the syntax is working in CPS and non-CPS mode)

  • define variables or functions

     JS> (define a 100) 
     JS> (define (f x y z) (+ x y z))
     JS> (f 1 2 a)
  • lambda anonymous functions

     JS> ((lambda (x y)(* x y)) 3 3)
  • if conditional if else

     JS> (define condition #t)
     JS> (define ifExpr "condition was true")
     JS> (define elseExpr "condition was false")
     JS> (if condition ifExpr elseExpr)
     "condition was true"
  • quote returns the unevaluated expr.

     JS> (quote '(1 2 3 a))
     (1 2 3 a)
  • set! set a variable to a new value

     JS> (define a "helloWorld")
     JS> (set! a 128)
     JS> ((lambda () (set! a "hello environment scopes")))
     JS> a 
     "hello environment scopes"


Load with (include "init.scm") in JS

  • not invert bool
  • < less than
  • = compare numbers
  • != not equal
  • >= greater than or equal
  • <= less than or equal
  • zero?
  • negative?
  • positive?
  • abs absolute value of a number
  • even? is number even or odd
  • nth get the nth element of a list
  • set_nth set the nth element of a list
  • indexOfS? search for a specific string in a list and get its index if found
  • newline print a new line
  • error print a message and abort


  • REFACTOR and clean stuff in general!
  • ADD more inline documentation!
  • ADD more builtins in general but especially for list operations such as list etc.
  • ADD more atoms chars, floats, vectors, infinite big numbers
  • ADD more I/O support
  • ADD support for variable number of arguments in functions
  • PIMP the reader in general
  • ADD a garbage collector
  • ADD a BYTECODE compiler
  • go on holidays first :)


A Scheme implementation written in C. Assignment for the lecture "Design und Implementation fortgeschrittener Programmiersprachen" at Media University Stuttgart - summer term 2016






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