- translate python package comments to english
- add formulas and further comments to python package
- improve python package Readme with settup and usage guide
- add runden to pyhton package
- Read the README
- pull before push!! (use VS-Code/source control)
- don't edit the settings_json.tex file
- do things you cand do from ToDo list
- Read Rule 1.
- Reconsider all your life choices (imediatly and thoroughly)
- ExamplesV2... has examples for LaTex commands.
- KnowledgeBase.pdf... some chaotig LaTex description.
- No text in main file. Write text in .tex files and import them where needed (\import{folder/name.tex}
- No blanks or strange characters in file names. Name files meaningfully!
- Folders: as folder names imply.
at some point all of the subjects will be added into one main .tex file. For the moment the subjects are seperated.
- select empty folder/rightclick /git bash here / git clone + link (git repository, link) (use rightclick einfügen)
- button commit/commit message in top line/checkmark in right topp corner
- sync
- git add --all (only when tere was a new file created)
- git commit -am "commit message"
- git pull
- git push
Download git for git usage. The rest is for writing LaTex in VS-Code.
instead of VS-Code LaTex can also be edited online in overleafe. No settup needed. Account has to be created.
- download git: https://gitforwindows.org/
git needs to be installed to use git
- VS-Code: https://code.visualstudio.com/download
- LaTexWorkshop Extensions:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=James-Yu.latex-workshop
for editing, syntax highlighting and completion and building of .tex files. - Prettify: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=siegebell.prettify-symbols-mode
to display \alpha as$\alpha$ in source.
for prettify to work copy the settings_json.tex file and replace your current setting.json in VS Code with it.
- install Tex: https://tug.org/texlive/
necessarry for using LaTex in VS-Code (or any other editor besides online ones like overleave)!!