A group messaging service inspired by Discord and Microsoft Teams. Allows users to authenticate with their microsoft account
Docs at https://jonasmuehlmann.github.io/BIB_VPR/
- .Net(Core, Framework, ASP)
- Azure SignalR
- SqlServer
- Azure Blob Storage
This messenger allows users to chat in private chats and teams, which are divided into channels. Teams hold the members and channels, channels hold the messages.
- Create/Delete teams
- Change team name
- Change team description
- Invite members
- Remove members
- List members
- Make/Remove user defined roles available to the team
- Assign/Unassign roles to members
- Grant/Revoke permissions to roles
- Create/Delete channels
- Rename channels
- Pin messages to the top
- Send Messages
- Create/Delete private chat rooms between two users
- Pin messages to the top
- Send Messages
- Send messages including emojis
- Edit messsages
- Delete messages
- Upload file attachments
- Send images, which are displayed in the chat view
- React to other messages with emojis
- Mention/Reference different entities like roles, messages
Notifications are sent when an event occurs either while the recieving user is offline or not in the view where the event takes place(e.g. recieving a message from another team)
- Collect and display notifications
- Go to origin of notification(e.g. channel where message was sent in)
- Mark notification as read
- Mention/Reference entitites like:
- Users
- Roles
- A channel
- The whole team
- A message
- Edit User data like:
- User name
- Bio
- Email address
- Profile picture
- Switch between light and dark theme