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File metadata and controls

668 lines (562 loc) · 37.7 KB

NDY Level file format

This file describes documentation & specifications for NDY file (*.ndy) used in Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine game to define game's level.


The NDY file format is text based as opposite to the CND file which is in binary format. It is an upgraded version of JKL file format used in games based on the Sith engine, such as Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II. The specifications for JKL file can be found here:


The level world is a convex mesh divided into sectors. Each sector is connected with another sector through adjoin surface. All game objects are defined as Things and must be positioned within a sector. As in JKL file, the NDY file is structured into 17 sections. The start of each section is tagged with keyword 'SECTION:' followed by the section name. Section that defines a list ends with keyword end otherwise the start of new section ends previous. The character '#' defines the comment line. All text fallowing after comment char to the end of the line is ignored by the game engine. i.e.: # This is comment

NDY Sections:


  • int = integer number e.g.: 0, 1, 100
  • hex_int = number in hexadecimal integer format. Usually used for flags.
  • float = decimal number e.g.: 1.000000, 0.5, 0.000856
  • string = text
  • vector = (<float>/<float>/<float>)
  • vector4 = (<float>/<float>/<float>/<float>)
  • pyr= vector. Euler orientation i.e. pitch/yaw/roll in degrees
  • rgb = vector i.e. (red/green/blue)
  • rgb_int = (<int>/<int>/<int>) i.e. (red/green/blue)
  • rgba = vector4 i.e. (red/green/blue/alpha)
  • path_frame = (<float>/<float>/<float>:<float>/<float>/<float>) i.e.(position:pyr_orientation) - (x,y,z:pitch/yaw/roll)
  • gradient_color = (<float>/<float>/<float>/<float>/<float>/<float>/<float>/<float>/<float>/<float>/<float>/<float>/<float>/<float>/<float>/<float>/<float>/<float>/<float>/<float>)
    i.e.: (rgba-top/rgba-middle/rgba-bottom-left/rgba-bottom-right)

Section Copyright

This section contains fixed Lucas Arts copyright ASCII art as seen below. It must be included in the NDY file.


Section Header

This section contains global world constants and properties e.g. world gravity, fog information etc... All below fields must be present in the header section.


Version                  3         # file version. Must be 3
World Gravity            <float>   # World gravity constant. Default is 2.0
Ceiling Sky Z            <float>   # Ceiling sky height. Applies only to surface with set surface flag `0x400 - Ceiling sky`.
Horizon Distance         <float>   # How far the horizon sky appear.  Applies only to surface with set surface flag `0x200 - Horizon sky`.
Horizon Pixels per Rev   <float>   # Pixels of horizon texture seen per revolution. Apparently not used.
Horizon Sky Offset       <float> <float> # x,y offsets of horizon sky texture
Ceiling Sky Offset       <float> <float> # x,y offsets of ceiling sky texture
LOD Distances            <float> <float> <float> <float> # Distances to change 3DO detail levels and MipMaps levels.
                                                         # Distances follow near-to-far.
Fog                      <int>   <float> <float> <float> <float> <float> <float>  # Fog data:
                                                                                  #    1/0 - Fog On/Off
                                                                                  #    RGBA - Fog linear color
                                                                                  #    start,end position i.e. fog depth

Section Sounds

This section defines the list of all sound file names (.wav) which are used in the level. They are used directly or indirectly by other level sections or game resources. i.e.: sounds referenced in sectors, templates, SNDs, COGs and COG scripts.


World sounds <int> # The number of sound files in the list

<file1.wav>  # string sound file name.
             # The engine search for the wav file in folder Resource/sound

Section Materials

This section defines the list of all material file names (.mat) which are used in the level. They are used directly or indirectly by other level sections or game resources. i.e.: materials referenced by world surfaces, templates, SPRs, COGs, COG scripts and 3DO models.



World materials <int> # The max number of material files to be used by the level.
                      # This number can be exact number of files in the list,
                      # or greater for 64 elements i.e. num files in the list + 64.

0: <file1.mat> # string material file name.
               # The engine search for the MAT file in folder Resource/mat
1: <file2.mat>

Section GeoResources

This section contains the information about level world geometry i.e.: level surfaces, surface vertices, surface texture vertices, surface normals and adjoins.

The surface adjoin represents a "portal" between level sectors. The adjoin entry consists of adjoin flags, a opposite mirror adjoin number and the distance of the surface from the adjoin surface to the center of surface's sector.

The world surface is n-gon polygon with an optional texture and vertices colors. The surface also has different properties i.e. surface flags (surfflags) and polygon face flags, geometry mode, light mode, texture mode (not used), adjoin number and extra surface light color. All surfaces must all be convex.



# ----- Vertices Subsection -----
World vertices <int> # The number of vertices in the list that follows

# num:	vertex:
0: 0.69935000 1.92794096 3.26141000 # x,y,z position ov vertex
1: 0.42614400 1.82548904 3.26141000

# -- Texture Verts Subsection ---
World texture vertices <int> # The number of texture vertices (UV) in the list that follows

# num:	u:	v:
0: -0.0000000 0.00000005 # texture UV coordinate
1: 0.29178399 0.00000004

# ------ Adjoins Subsection -----
World adjoins <int> # The number of adjoints in the list that follows

# num: flags: mirror: dist:
0: 0x3 22 0.59788090  # adjoint flags,
                      # the number of mirror adjoin i.e. the opposite sector portal
                      # and distance from the adjoin surface to it's sector center

1: 0x3 4 0.59788090   # mirror is the adjoin num 4
2: 0x3 495 0.59788090
3: 0x3 16 0.73713350
4: 0x3 1 0.72371501   # mirror is the adjoin num 1

# ----- Surfaces Subsection -----
World surfaces <int> # The number of world surfaces in the list that follows

# num: mat: surfflags: faceflags: geo: light: tex: adjoin: extralight: nverts: vertices: intensities:
<int>: <int> <hex_int> <hex_int> <int> <int> <int> <int>     <rgba>     <int>  <int>,<int>[nverts]  <rgb>[nverts]

# mat         = Material number in the materials section to be used for surface texture.
                If -1, no material is set.
# adjoin      = Adjoin number in the adjoin list. If -1, surface doesn't have adjoin.
# nverts      = The size of vertices list that follows
# vertices    = The list of vertex,uv pairs
# intensities = The list of vertex colors. The size of list is the same as vertices list

# Example list:
0: -1 0x0 0x0 0 3 3 0  0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000  3 0,0 1,1 2,2  0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000  0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000  0.24224025 0.24224025 0.35932302
1: 110 0x80007 0x0 4 3 3 -1  0.60000002 0.60000002 0.69999999 1.00000000 6 5,3 4,4 3,5 6,6 7,7 8,8  0.33166137 0.33166137 0.49196434  0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000  0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000  0.30755568 0.30755568 0.45620757  0.33805838 0.33805838 0.50145322  0.33989805 0.33989805 0.50418210

# --- Surface normals ---
# The list of normals is the same size as surface list
0: 0.00000000 0.00000000 -1.00000000 # x,y,z
1: 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000
2: -0.61583585 -0.78690195 -0.03913435

Section Sectors

This section contains the level sectors. A sector is a closed polyhedron defined by vertices and surfaces from GeoResource section. All sectors must be convex. The info about sector flags can be found here.



World sectors <int> # The number of sectors

# Each sector is defined as following:
SECTOR 0                                                 # Sector number
FLAGS 0x0                                                # Sector flags
AMBIENT LIGHT 0.22000000 0.20999999 0.22999999           # Sector RGB ambient light. It affects only Things in sector
EXTRA LIGHT 0.30000001 0.20000000 0.20000000             # Additional sector RGB light. Affects sector surfaces with light mode 2 - Diffuse and Things in sector.
TINT 0.40000001 0.80000001 1.00000000                    # Optional RGB tint color. Apparently not used.
AVERAGE LIGHT INTENSITY 0.25000000 0.20000000 0.17000000 # Optional point light RGB color. Affects only things in sector.
AVERAGE LIGHT POSITION 0.20432100 1.74881899 3.27736902  # Optional point light position. Affects only things in sector.
AVERAGE LIGHT FALLOFF 1.19576180 0.29894045              # Optional point light range. Affects only things in sector.
BOUNDBOX -0.08611600 1.82548904 2.71499896 0.69935000 2.54265308 3.26141000  # The sector's bounding box
COLLIDEBOX 0.81060708 0.50332105 5.31484699 1.00642097 0.65113282 5.60700130 # Optional sector's collision box.
                                                                             # If set it will be used for detecting sector
                                                                             # surface collision instead of surface collision.
                                                                             # Sector flag 0x1000 - HasCollideBox must be set when this param is used.
SOUND gen_canyon_a1.wav 1.000000             # Optional sector sound and sound volume
THRUST 0.00000000 -0.10000000 0.00000000     # Optional sector force that pushes Things in sector with move=physics in one direction.
CENTER 0.30661702 2.18407106 2.98820448      # The bounding box center
RADIUS 0.59788090                            # The bounding box radius
VERTICES 5                                   # The number of vertices in list that follows
0: 2                                         # Index of the vertex in the list of vertices
1: 1
2: 0
3: 3
4: 4
SURFACES 0 5                                 # The index of the first surface and the number of surfaces
                                             # that follow first surface and are used by sector.

Section AiClass

This section defines the list of all aiclass file names (.ai) which are used in the level. They are used directly or indirectly by other level sections or game resources. i.e.: aiclasses referenced in templates, COGs and COG scripts.



World AIClasses <int> # The max number of ai files to be used by the level.
                      # The number is usually greater than the number of files in the list.

0: <> # string ai file name.
              # The engine search for the AI file in folder Resource/misc/ai or CD1/CD2.gob
1: <>

Section Models

This section defines the list of all model file names (.3do) which are used in the level. They are used directly or indirectly by other level sections or game resources. i.e.: models referenced in templates, COGs and COG scripts.



World models <int> # The max number of models to be used by the level.
                   # The number is usually greater than the number of files in the list.

0: <file1.3do> # string model file name.
               # The engine search for the 3DO file in folder Resource/3do or CD1/CD2.gob
1: <file2.3do>

Section Sprites

This section defines the list of all sprite file names (.spr) which are used in the level. They are used directly or indirectly by other level sections or game resources. i.e.: sprites referenced in templates, COGs and COG scripts.



World sprites <int> # The max number of sprites to be used by the level.
                    # The number is usually greater than the number of files in the list.

0: <file1.spr> # string sprite file name.
               # The engine search for the SPR file in folder Resource/misc/spr or CD1/CD2.gob
1: <file2.spr>

Section Keyframes

This section defines the list of all animation file names (.key) which are used in the level. They are used directly or indirectly by other level sections or game resources. i.e.: animations referenced in templates, COGs, COG scripts and puppet files.



World keyframes <int> # The max number of keyframes to be used by the level.
                      # The number is usually greater than the number of files in the list.

0: <file1.key> # string animation file name.
               # The engine search for the KEY file in folder Resource/3do/key
1: <file2.key>

Section AnimClass

This section defines the list of all puppet files (.pup) which are used in the level. They are used directly or indirectly by other level sections or game resources. i.e.: puppets referenced in templates, COGs and COG scripts.



World puppets <int> # The max number of puppets to be used by the level.
                    # The number is usually greater than the number of files in the list.

0: <file1.pup> # string puppet file name.
               # The engine search for the PUP file in folder Resource/misc/pup or CD1/CD2.gob
1: <file2.pup>

Section SoundClass

This section defines the list of all sound classes file names (.snd) which are used in the level. They are used directly or indirectly by other level sections or game resources. i.e.: snd referenced in templates, COGs and COG scripts.


SECTION: Soundclass

World soundclasses <int> # The max number of sound classes to be used by the level.
                         # The number is usually greater than the number of files in the list.

0: <file1.snd> # string sound class file name.
               # The engine search for the SND file in folder Resource/misc/snd or CD1/CD2.gob
1: <file2.snd>

Section CogScripts

This section defines the list of all cog script files (.cog) which are used in the level. They are used directly or indirectly by other level sections or game resources. i.e.: cog scripts referenced in templates, things and COGs.


SECTION: cogscripts

World scripts <int> # The max number of cog scripts to be used by the level.
                    # The number is usually greater than the number of files in the list.

0: <file1.cog> # string cog script file name.
               # The engine search for the COG file in folder Resource/cog or CD1/CD2.gob
1: <file2.cog>

Section COGs

This section defines the list of level's logic entities know as COG. They are the level "brains" which control the game flow and the level's logic. Each entry in the list takes COG script file name followed by initial values for all non-local variables (symbols) defined in the script. The parameters initialize the variables in the exact order as defined in the symbols section of COG script. The variables in COG script defined as local can't be overwritten in NDY. Note that all non-local variables must be initialized or the game won't run.

The symbol values:

Symbol type Value
ai AI filename
cog COG index in the COG list
float/flex decimal number
int integer number
keyframe KEY filename
material MAT filename
model 3DO filename
sector sector number in sector list
sound WAV filename
sprite SPR filename
surface surface number in surface list
vector vector value i.e.: (x/y/z)
template template name
thing thing index number in thing's list

Note, if index is -1 aka null, it means not initialized.



World cogs <int> # The max number of COGs to be used by the level.
                 # The number is usually greater than the number of entries in the list.

0: <script1.cog> <param_1> <param_2> .... <param_N>
1: <script2.cog>

An example of COG entries from 00_cyn.ndy:

0: gen_MatAnim.cog gen_a4waterfall.mat 5.000000

Assigns 'gen_a4waterfall.mat' to variable 'animma' and set variable 'fps' to '5.000000'.

What this cog does is animate 'gen_a4waterfall.mat' material at 5 frames per second, i.e.: waterfall water animation.
11: gen_SectorThrust.cog (-0.421100/-0.762960/-0.489889) 2.000000 133 118 117 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

Assigns vector '(-0.421100/-0.762960/-0.489889)' to variable 'vec0', sets thrust 'speed' to '2.000000'and assigns 'sector0' to sector 133, 'sector1' to sector 118, 'sector2' to sector 118, 'sector3' to sector 117, sector4-7 to -1 (not used).

This COG sets the sector thrust for up to 8 sectors.
23: cyn_snakedelay.cog 173 2107

Assigns thing 173 (snake_rattle) to variable 'snake' and surface 2107 to variable 'triggersurf'.
You can notice there are more variables in the script but all are defined as 'local', so can't be initialized in NDY file.

This COG makes the snake thing (173) to not attack player until sound 'fol_sn_hiss.wav' plays out, i.e. "warning" snake hiss sound. The COG script is triggered and plays the 'fol_sn_hiss.wav' sound when player enters/steps on the surface 2107.

Section Templates

This section defines a list of templates from which the Thing level objects can be created.



World templates <int> # The max number of templates to be used by the level.
                      # The number is usually the same as the number of entries in the list.

# Name:           Based On:        Params:
<template_name> <base_template_name> <param_0> <param_2> .... <param_N>


Each template has to have a unique name. If the template doesn't inherit from base template, the base parameter is none. The child template inherits all parameters from the base template and can overrides only specific parameters or none. Child templates can also inherit from other child templates. The order of declared templates is important i.e. the base template must be defined before child template.

Thing type

There are 15 different template/thing types:

type value description
Free 0 Empty template, used for the engine purpose
Camera 1 Camera template. Mostly not used.
Actor 2 Enemy, civilian, cutscene actors (indy) etc..
Weapon 3 Weapon properties e.g.: weapon projectile
Debris 4 Debris template
Item 5 Pickup items e.g.: weapons, ammo, health kit, keys ect...
Explosion 6 Explosion template
Cog 7 Level decorative objects e.g.: whip climb branch, wall ruins, wheelbarrow etc...
Ghost 8 Usually the invisible objects e.g.: camera position object, camera focus object etc...
Corpse 9 Dead Thing
Player 10 Player template
Particle 11 Effects e.g.: waterfall droplets, sparks etc ...
Hint 12 Map hint
Sprite 13 Sprite object
Polyline 14 Polyline object

Each Template defined in the list must have type other than Free or the Template is ignored. The type value is internal representation of the Template type and is used by the engine.

Naming convention

Depending on the use of a template there are a few conventions used in their naming. Template name can contain max 63 characters.

  • _<name> - names prefixed with underscore i.e. '_' are used for base templates that other templates are to be inherited from and not to be used by Thing or COG script. Note: If Thing is created from the base template the engine logs warning: "Warning -- create object from base-class template <template_name>"
  • +<name> - names prefixed with plus sign i.e. '+' are used for templates that are used for special effect e.g. bullet projectile, explosion etc... Other templates can inherit from this template as well. This template can be also used in COG script e.g. mine car sparks particles.
  • <name> - non-prefixed names are used for the "end" templates which are used by Things or scripts.

The list of parameters

Below is the table of parameters that can be used by the template and parameter types.

Parameter Type Applies To Required additional params Description
aiclass string * / Assigns AI file to the Thing/Template.
airdrag float * move=physics Sets Thing/Template air drag (air resistance).
angvel vector * move=physics Sets Thing/Template angular velocity.
attach N/A N/A / Not used
babytime float Explosion / The explosion time in sec before the "child" explosion blasts off.
Note: the engine also sets explosion flag 0x8 - HasChildExplosion.
blasttime float Explosion / The explosion Thing blast off time in sec.
Note: the engine also sets explosion flag 0x2 - HasBlastPhase.
buoyancy float * move=physics The Thing buoyancy (uplift) in the water.
cog string * / Assigns COG script file to the Thing/Template.
*Note: the engine sets cog flags 0x40 - Local
collheight float * / Collision height.
collide int * / Collision type to be used for Thing/Template object.

0 - None
1 - Sphere collision
3 - Mesh face collision
collwidth float * / Collision width.
count int Particle / Number of particle elements to create.
Max number is 256.
creatething string * / The template name from which a Thing is created when this Thing is created.
The template name should be prefixed with '+' i.e. +<thing_name>
damage float Explosion, Weapon / The amount of damage the weapon/explosion inflicts.

In case Thing is explosion the engine sets the explosion flags 0x2 - HasBlastPhase | 0x4 - DamageInBlastRadius.
The weapon damage decays when weapon flag 0x4000 - DamageDecay is set and parameter rate is > 0.0.
damageclass hex_int Explosion, Weapon / The weapon and explosion damage type.
The damage class flags are specified in

Note: in case of weapon Thing only 1 damage type can be set.
debris string Explosion / Assigns the explosion debris template.
Max debris per explosion is 16.

debris=tmplt_debris_1 debris=tmplt_debris_2 debris=tmplt_debris_3
elementsize float Particle count The size of each particle element.
explode string Actor, Player, Weapon / Assigns actor/player's or weapon's explode Template. i.e explode=explosion_template.
The explosion thing is created from explode Template after the Thing dies/is destroyed.
Note: For Actor Thing the 0x20 - ExplodeWhenKilled actor flag must be also set to enable explosion.
expandtime float Explosion / The explosion expansion time in seconds.
Applies to explosion Thing.
Note: the engine also sets the explosion flag 0x800 - ExpandTimeSet
eyeoffset vector Actor / (Assumption) The actor model eye offset on the head. Used when other actors models are looking the actor in the eyes (e.g.: cutscene).
fadetime float Explosion / The explosion fade time in seconds after the explosion expansion ends.
Applies to explosion Thing.
Note: the engine also sets the explosion flag 0x1000 - FadeTimeSet
fireoffset vector Actor, Player / The weapon projectile fire start offset.
flashrgb rgb_int Explosion / The explosion RGB tint color.
Applies to explosion Thing.
force float Explosion, Weapon rang > 0.0 The amount of force the explosion blast has or weapon Thing impact force.

The weapon Thing must have set weapon flag 0x2000 - InstantImpact.
frame path_frame
numframes The part of path movement frame.

In case the Thing/Template has parameter move=path the value type is path_frame.

When actor has assigned param aiclass the value type is vector i.e AI path position. In this case the param can only be used in THINGS section.

Note: there can be 1 or more path frame parameters which must follow sequentially. The first frame parameter must be preceded by the numframes parameter.

Path: numframes=2 frame=(1.0/2.0/3.0:4.0/5.0/6.0) frame=(6.0/5.0/4.0:3.0/2.0/1.0)
AI path: numframes=2 frame=(1.0/2.0/3.0) frame=(6.0/5.0/4.0)
health float Actor, Player / Sets actor/player health value.
Note: If health is greater than maxhealth, then maxhealth = health
height float * move=physics Sets Thing/Template height.
jumpspeed float Actor, Player / Sets actor/player's jumping speed.
light rgba or rgb * / Defines Thing emitting light.
The parameter is RGBA or RGB light color. i.e.: light=(R/G/B/A) or light=(R/G/B). The RGB is same as RGBA with alpha set to 0.0. The alpha component in RGBA light color represents min & max light range radius.
To use this param at least 1 RGB color component must be > 0.0 and alpha color component > 0.01. If alpha is < 0.01 and > 0.0 Thing is fully lit with set RGB color.

There can be max 64 lights and lightintensity defined per camera view. i.e. 64 Things in camera view can have either light or lightintensity parameter set.
lightintensity rgb Actor, Player / The actor/player's head light (spot light).
To use this param the light param must be set and actor flag 0x4 - UseLightIntensity must be also set.
The limitation for this parm is the same as param light.

1. Apparently this param doesn't work in NDY level format.
2. the engine also sets thing flag 0x1 - EmitsLight.
lightoffset vector Actor, Player lightintensity Light intensity offset.
Note: the engine also sets thing flag 0x1 - EmitsLight.
mass float * move=physics Sets Thing/Template mass.
*Note: affects only Thing that has ***
material string Particle / Assigns MAT file to the particle Thing/Template.
maxheadpitch float Actor, Player / Maximum degrees that the actor/player's head will pitch up and down.
maxheadvel float Actor, Player / Sets actor/player's maximum head movement velocity.
maxheadyaw float Actor, Player / Sets the maximum degree the actor/player's head can rotate.
maxhealth float Actor, Player / Sets actor/player's maximum health.
maxlight float Explosion / Amount of maximum explosion light.
*Note: the engine also sets explosion flag 0x10 - VariableLight.
maxrotthrust float Actor, Player / Sets actor/player's maximum rotational thrust.
maxrotvel float * move=physics Maximum rotation velocity.
maxthrust float Actor, Particle, Player Particle: range Sets actor/player Thing maximum thrust
particle Thing rate of expansion (growth speed).
maxvel float * move=physics Maximum velocity.
mindamage float Weapon / Sets the minium damage the weapon will inflict.
minheadpitch float Actor, Player / Minimum degrees that the actor/player's head will pitch up and down.
minsize float Particle maxthrust Sets the minimum particle size (min radius) that the particle will start to grow from.
model3d string * / Assigns 3DO model file to the Thing/Template.
Note: If collide size or movesize or collwidth or collheight is not set, the engine sets size & movesize to model radius and collide w&h to movesize
move string * / Specifies the move type:
none - thing can't be moved
path - thing moves on specified path. See frame

Default: none
movesize float *; not Actor/Player move=physics The collision area.
*Note: the param is not applied to Actor/Player Thing/Template. *
numframes int move*=path
/ The number of path frame parameters to follow this parameter.
orient pyr * / Orientation of Thing created from template. Note: this param doesn't affect Thing created in Things section
orientspeed float * move=physics Speed to orient thing.
particle string * / Assigns PAR particle file to the Thing/Template.
Note: not limited to but should be used with particle Thing/Template.
perflevel int * / Thing performance level.
Note: if Thing performance level is greater than global performance level, the Thing won't be created.
physflags hex_int * move=physics Sets Thing/Template physics flags.
Available flags can be found here
pitchrange float Particle / Pitch range.
puppet string * / Assigns PUP puppet file to the Thing/Template.
range float Explosion, Particle, Weapon Particle: maxthrust Weapon range


Explosion range
Note: the engine sets explosion flag 0x2 - HasBlastPhase in this case.


Particle max growth radius.
In this case the param maxthrust must be set (growth speed)
rate float Particle, Weapon Weapon: damageParticle: count Weapon: damage decay rate (distance).
Particle: num of seconds to destroy particle's elements (count) after particle is destroyed (timer).
respawn float Item typeflags = RespawnSP The item respawn time in sec after the item is picked-up.
The item flag 0x02 - RespawnSP must be set to enable respawn for the item Thing.
size float * / Specifies the Thing collide size area.
Note: the engine also sets movesize to the size.
soundclass string * / Assigns SND sound class file to the Thing/Template.
Can be none i.e. to override the base Template value for the Thing.
sprite string * / Assigns SPR sprite file to the Thing/Template.
Can be none i.e. to override the base Template value for the Thing.
In case TemplateThing is explosion this parameter overrides spritething param.
spriteend vector Explosion spritething The explosion spritething animation end offset.

If Flag 0x20 - RandomRotatedSpriteThing is set initial `spritething orientation is randomly set (i.e. random Y coord of end offset).
spritestart vector Explosion spritething The explosion spritething animation start offset.
spritething string Explosion / The name of the sprite Template from which the explosion sprite is created.
staticdrag float * move=physics Sets additional Thing/Template surface drag.
surfdrag float * move=physics Sets Thing/Template surface drag (traction).
thingflags hex_int * / Thing flags.
Available flags can be found here
timer float * / When timer is set the Thing life span is finished when timer elapses and the thing is destroyed.
type string * / Defines Thing/Template type.
Possible value: free, camera, actor, weapon, debris, item, explosion, cog, ghost, corpse, player, particle, hint, sprite, polyline
typeflags hex_int * / Sets type specific flags.
Actor/Player type flags
Explosion type flags
Item type flags
Particle type flags
Weapon type flags
userval float * / User defined value.
In case of hint Thing it's the hint order sequence number to show on the map.
vel vector * move=physics Sets Thing/Template velocity.
voicecolor gradient_color Actor/Player / The subtittle color.
weapon string Actor, Player / Assigns actor/player's primary weapon Template. i.e weapon=weapon_template
yawrange float Particle / Yaw range.

Section Things

This section defines list of game objects in level known as Things. Each Thing is created from a Template in the list of Templates and must be positioned within the level sector.



World things <int> # The max number of things to be used by the level.
                   # The number is usually the greater as the number of entries in the list
                   # as it must also take into the account the Things that are created indirectly
                   # e.g. Thing created via `creatething` param.

# num    template:   name:              X: Y: Z:   Pitch: Yaw: Roll:  Sector:
<seq_no>: <template_name> <thing_name>  <position>   <orientation>   <sector_no>  <optional_params>

0: shirtplayer  shirtplayer  7.56596994 1.70158172 0.09226999 0.00000000 130.01022339 0.00000000 452
1: spider       spider       4.68325996 -2.17725992 0.96398002 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 488 thingflags=0x4C0  health=50.000000 maxhealth=50.000000


seq_no - Thing sequence number in list
template_name - the name of Template from which the Thing is created.
thing_name - Thing name. Max 63 characters.
position - x,y,z position
orientation - pitch,yaw,roll orientation in degrees
sector_no - the sector number the Thing is positioned in.
optional_params - optional parameters which override Template values.

Section PVS

Section defines potentially visible sets data structure for level's sectors. This section is not necessary and can be omitted.



PVS size: <int> # The size of PVS list

0x010101B3 0x02020002 0x00050002 0x03050505 0x03050003 0x00040402 0x09070704 0x08080000 0x09000009 0x00060604 0x0C0D0C00 0x0E000E00 0x0D0F000E 0x0F92000F 0x00000C0F 0x0010000D
0x10100010 0x10111100 0x90001100 0x97180013 0x04970010 0x03000404 0x00030300 0x0A97011A 0x0B060007 0x07050006 0x0C050000 0x0A0A0005 0x000A0B00 0x010C000D 0x00101085 0x000F110F


# --- Sectors PVS idx ---