This module handles user authentication using NestJS. It provides routes for user signup, signin, logout, and token refreshing.
- Route:
- Method:
- Description: Create a new local user.
- HTTP Code: 201 (Created)
- Route:
- Method:
- Description: Authenticate a local user.
- HTTP Code: 201 (Created)
- Route:
- Method:
- Description: Logout a user.
- HTTP Code: 201 (OK)
Route: /auth/refresh
Method: POST
Description: Refresh the access token using a refresh token.
HTTP Code: 200 (OK)
@Public(): Marks a route as public, requiring no authentication.
@GetCurrentUserId(): Decorator to get the current user's ID.
@GetCurrentUser('refreshToken'): Decorator to get the current user's refresh token.
@UseGuards(RtGuard): Guard to validate the refresh token.