This repository contains my solutions for the typescript-challenges project.
Each solution is stored in its own file, named after the challenge it solves, and is written in TypeScript.
Feel free to use these solutions as a reference or inspiration for your own solutions. However, I encourage you to try to solve the challenges on your own before checking the solutions!
- Pick
- Readonly
- Tuple to object
- First
- Tuple length
- Exclude
- Awaited
- If
- Concat
- Includes
- Push
- Unshift
- Parameters
- Return type
- Omit
- Readonly 2
- Deep readonly
- Tuple to union
- Chainable options
- Last
- Pop
- Promise all
- Type lookup
- Trimleft
- Trim
- Capitalize
- Replace
- Replaceall
- Append argument
- Permutation
- Length of string
- Flatten
- Append to object
- Absolute
- String to union
- Merge
- Kebabcase
- Diff
- Anyof
- Isnever
- Isunion
- Replacekeys
- Remove index signature
- Percentage parser
- Drop char
- Minusone
- Pickbytype
- Startswith
- Endswith
- Partialbykeys
- Requiredbykeys
- Mutable
- Omitbytype
- Objectentries
- Shift
- Tuple to nested object
- Reverse
- Flip arguments
- Flattendepth
- Bem style string
- Inordertraversal
- Flip
- Fibonacci sequence
- Nomiwase
- Greater than
- Zip
- Istuple
- Chunk
- Fill
- Trim right
- Without
- Trunc
- Indexof
- Join
- Lastindexof
- Unique
- Maptypes
- Construct tuple
- Number range
- Combination
- Subsequence
- Checkrepeatedchars
- Firstuniquecharindex
- Parse url params
- Get middle element
- Zhao chu mu biao shu zu zhong zhi chu xian guo yi ci de yuan su
- Tong ji shu zu zhong de yuan su ge shu
- Integer
- To primitive
- Deepmutable
- All
- Filter
- Findall
- Zu he jian lei xing combination key type
- Permutations of tuple
- Replace first
- Transpose
- Json schema to typescript
- Square
- Triangular number
- Cartesianproduct
- Mergeall
- Checkrepeatedtuple
- Public type
- Extracttoobject
- Deep omit
- Isodd
- Tower of hanoi
- Pascals triangle
- Shitariteraru
- Simple vue
- Currying 1
- Union to intersection
- Get required
- Get optional
- Required keys
- Optional keys
- Capitalizewords
- Camelcase
- C printf parser
- Vue basic props
- Isany
- Typed get
- String to number
- Tuple filter
- Tuple to enum object
- Printf
- Deep object to unique
- Length of string 2
- Union to tuple
- String join
- Deeppick
- Pinia
- Camelize
- Drop string
- Split
- Classpublickeys
- Isrequiredkey
- Objectfromentries
- Ispalindrome
- Mutable keys
- Intersection
- Binary to decimal
- Object key paths
- Two sum
- Validdate
- Assign
- Maximum
- Capitalize nest object keys
- Replace union
- Fizzbuzz
- Run length encoding
- Tree path array
- Snakecase
- Isnegativenumber
- Optionalundefined
- Bitwisexor