- 👉 I have 27 years old, actually Living in Madrid,Spain.
- 🔈conversational english skills, and spanish as my native language
- ✨ All necessary soft skills for a perfect integration with teams and customer attention.
- 🎯 I specialize in multiplatform with FlUTTER.along with other technologies that allow me to develop its backend
- 📱 Knowledge of native development with Kotlin
- 📬 Email : juanfelipegq@outlook.es
Getx state management.
MVC(model-view-controller) Design pattern.
CRUD operations.
Local data management
Onboarding Screen
Splash Screen
Theme handling by phone settings
State Managment: Provider.
Perfomance Improvements with DevTools.
SqfLite database for store places and news.
Language support : english and spanish.
Api´s integration
State Managment: BloC & provider.
- 1st branch : Provider
- 2nd branch : BloC & Clean Architecture
API´s Integration
Infinite Scroll(pagination) of api results
- This project is focused on the controll of different comercial automation devices.
- As well as automation prototypes created with arduino
- this project will be on constantly update
- widgets reuse
- responsive design it can works in all devices
- RealTime communication with WebSockets
- State Managment: Provider.
- User Login and Register.
- BackEnd development with:
- Mongo DB
- Node.js
- Released on Railway.com
📰 News-App
- State Managment: Provider.
- API´s integration.
- Choose between news categories.