- Scanning - discovering systems on the network and looking at what ports are open as well as applications that may be running
- Connectionless Communication - UDP packets are sent without creating a connection. Examples are TFTP, DNS (lookups only) and DHCP
- Connection-Oriented Communication - TCP packets require a connection due to the size of the data being transmitted and to ensure deliverability
0 0 URG ACK PSH RST SYN FIN (Unskilled Attackers Pester Real Security Folks)
Flag | Name | Function |
SYN | Synchronize | Set during initial communication. Negotiating of parameters and sequence numbers |
ACK | Acknowledgment | Set as an acknowledgement to the SYN flag. Always set after initial SYN |
RST | Reset | Forces the termination of a connection (in both directions) |
FIN | Finish | Ordered close to communications |
PSH | Push | Forces the delivery of data without concern for buffering |
URG | Urgent | Data inside is being sent out of band. Example is cancelling a message |
- Sequence numbers increase on new communication. Example is computers A and B. A would increment B's sequence number. A would never increment it's own sequence.
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) - maintains Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry which lists all port number reservations
- Well-known ports - 0 - 1023
- Registered ports - 1024 - 49,151
- Dynamic ports - 49,152 - 65,535
Port Number Protocol Transport Protocol 20/21 FTP TCP 22 SSH TCP 23 Telnet TCP 25 SMTP TCP 53 DNS TCP/UDP 67/68 DHCP UDP 69 TFTP UDP 80 HTTP TCP 88 Kerberos UDP 110 POP3 TCP 111 Portmapper (Linux) TCP 135 RPC TCP 137-139 NetBIOS TCP/UDP 143 IMAP TCP 161/162 SNMP UDP 389 LDAP TCP/UDP 443 HTTPS TCP 445 SMB TCP 500 ISAKMP/IKE UDP 514 SYSLOG UDP 1080 SOCKS5 TCP 3268 Global Catalog Service TCP/UDP 6667 IRC TCP - A service is said to be listening for a port when it has that specific port open
- Once a service has made a connection, the port is in an established state
- Netstat
- Shows open ports on computer
netstat -an
displays connections in numerical formnetstat -b
displays executables tied to the open port (admin only)
- IPv4 Main Address Types
- Unicast - acted on by a single recipient
- Multicast - acted on by members of a specific group
- Broadcast - acted on by everyone on the network
- Limited - delivered to every system in the domain (
- Directed - delivered to all devices on a subnet and use that broadcast address
- Subnet mask - determines how many address available on a specific subnet
- Represented by three methods
- Decimal -
- Binary - 11111111.11110000.00000000.00000000
- CIDR - x.x.x.x/12 (where x.x.x.x is an ip address on that range)
- If all the bits in the host field are 1s, the address is the broadcast
- If they are all 0s, it's the network address
- Any other combination indicates an address in the range
- Represented by three methods
- Check for live systems - ping or other type of way to determine live hosts
- Check for open ports - once you know live host IPs, scan them for listening ports
- Scan beyond IDS - if needed, use methods to scan beyond the detection systems
- Perform banner grabbing - grab from servers as well as perform OS fingerprinting
- Scan for vulnerabilities - use tools to look at the vulnerabilities of open systems
- Draw network diagrams - shows logical and physical pathways into networks
- Prepare proxies - obscures efforts to keep you hidden
- The easiest way to scan for live systems is through ICMP.
- It has it's shortcomings and is sometimes blocked on hosts that are actually live.
- Message Types and Returns
ICMP Message Type | Description and Codes |
0: Echo Reply | Answer to a Type 8 Echo Request |
3: Destination Unreachable | Error message followed by these codes: 0 - Destination network unreachable 1 - Destination host unreachable 6 - Network unknown 7 - Host unknown 9 - Network administratively prohibited 10 - Host administratively prohibited 13 - Communication administratively prohibited |
4: Source Quench | A congestion control message |
5: Redirect | Sent when there are two or more gateways available for the sender to use. Followed by these codes: 0 - Redirect datagram for the network 1 - Redirect datagram for the host |
8: Echo Request | A ping message, requesting an echo reply |
11: Time Exceeded | Packet took too long to be routed (code 0 is TTL expired) |
- Payload of an ICMP message can be anything; RFC never set what it was supposed to be. Allows for covert channels
- Ping sweep - easiest method to identify hosts
- ICMP Echo scanning - sending an ICMP Echo Request to the network IP address
- An ICMP return of type 3 with a code of 13 indicates a poorly configured firewall
- Ping scanning tools
- Nmap
- Angry IP Scanner
- Solar-Winds Engineer Toolkit
- Advanced IP Scanner
- Pinkie
- Nmap virtually always does a ping sweep with scans unless you turn it off
- Full connect - TCP connect or full open scan - full connection and then tears down with RST
- Easiest to detect, but most reliable
nmap -sT
- Stealth - half-open scan or SYN scan - only SYN packets sent. Responses same as full.
- Useful for hiding efforts and evading firewalls
nmap -sS
- Inverse TCP flag - uses FIN, URG or PSH flag. Open gives no response. Closed gives RST/ACK
nmap -sN
(Null scan)nmap -sF
(FIN scan)
- Xmas - so named because all flags are turned on so it's "lit up" like a Christmas tree
- Responses are same as Inverse TCP scan
- Do not work against Windows machines
nmap -sX
- ACK flag probe - multiple methods
- TTL version - if TTL of RST packet < 64, port is open
- Window version - if the window on the RST packet is anything other than 0, port open
- Can be used to check filtering. If ACK is sent and no response, stateful firewall present.
nmap -sA
(ACK scan)nmap -sW
(Window scan)
- IDLE Scan - uses a third party to check if a port is open
- Looks at the IPID to see if there is a repsonse
- Only works if third party isn't transmitting data
- Sends a request to the third party to check IPID id; then sends a spoofed packet to the target with a return of the third party; sends a request to the third party again to check if IPID increased.
- IPID increase of 1 indicates port closed
- IPID increase of 2 indicates port open
- IPID increase of anything greater indicates the third party was not idle
nmap -sI <zombie host>
Switch | Description |
-sA | ACK scan |
-sF | FIN scan |
-sI | IDLE scan |
-sL | List scan (simply list targets to scan) |
-sN | NULL scan |
-sO | Protocol scan (tests which IP protocols respond) |
-sP | Ping scan |
-sR | RPC scan |
-sS | SYN scan |
-sT | TCP connect scan |
-sW | Window scan |
-sX | XMAS scan |
-A | OS detection, version detection, script scanning and traceroute |
-PI | ICMP ping |
-Po | No ping |
-PS | SYN ping |
-PT | TCP ping |
-oN | Normal output |
-oX | XML output |
-T0 through -T2 | Serial scans. T0 is slowest |
-T3 through -T5 | Parallel scans. T3 is slowest |
- Nmap runs by default at a T3 level
- Fingerprinting - another word for port sweeping and enumeration
- Another powerful ping sweep and port scanning tool
- Also can craft packets
hping3 -1 <IPaddress>
Switch | Description |
-1 | Sets ICMP mode |
-2 | Sets UDP mode |
-8 | Sets scan mode. Expects port range without -p flag |
-9 | Listen mode. Expects signature (e.g. HTTP) and interface (-I eth0) |
--flood | Sends packets as fast as possible without showing incoming replies |
-Q | Collects sequence numbers generated by the host |
-p | Sets port number |
-F | Sets the FIN flag |
-S | Sets the SYN flag |
-R | Sets the RST flag |
-P | Sets the PSH flag |
-A | Sets the ACK flag |
-U | Sets the URG flag |
-X | Sets the XMAS scan flags |
- To evade IDS, sometimes you need to change the way you scan
- One method is to fragment packets (nmap -f switch)
- OS Fingerprinting
- Active - sending crafted packets to the target
- Passive - sniffing network traffic for things such as TTL windows, DF flags and ToS fields
- Spoofing - can only be used when you don't expect a response back to your machine
- Source routing - specifies the path a packet should take on the network; most systems don't allow this anymore
- IP Address Decoy - sends packets from your IP as well as multiple other decoys to confuse the IDS/Firewall as to where the attack is really coming from
nmap -D RND:10 x.x.x.x
nmap -D decoyIP1,decoyIP2....,sourceIP,.... [target]
- Proxy - hides true identity by filtering through another computer. Also can be used for other purposes such as content blocking evasion, etc.
- Proxy chains - chaining multiple proxies together
- Proxy Switcher
- Proxy Workbench
- ProxyChains
- Proxy chains - chaining multiple proxies together
- Tor - a specific type of proxy that uses multiple hops to a destination; endpoints are peer computers
- Anonymizers - hides identity on HTTP traffic (port 80)
- Can be complex or simple tools run against a target to determine vulnerabilities
- Industry standard is Tenable's Nessus
- Other options include
- GFI LanGuard
- Qualys
- FreeScan - best known for testing websites and applications
- OpenVAS - best competitor to Nessus and is free
- Defined as listing the items that are found within a specific target
- Always is active in nature
- Everything runs within context of an account
- Security Context - user identity and authentication information
- Security Identifier (SID) - identifies a user, group or computer account
- Resource Identifier (RID) - portion of the SID identifying a specific user, group or computer
- The end of the SID indicates the user number
- Example SID: S-1-5-21-3874928736-367528774-1298337465-500
- Administrator Account - RID of 500
- Guest Account - RID of 501
- Regular Accounts - start with a RID of 1000
- Linux Systems used user IDs (UID) and group IDs (GID). Found in /etc/passwd
- SAM Database - file where all local passwords are stored (encrypted)
- Stored in C:\Windows\System32\Config
- Null Session - sometimes an effective method to enumerate a Windows system
net use \\<target>\IPC$ "" /u:""
- require TCP ports 135, 137, 139, and 445
- finger - info on user and host machine
- rpcinfo and rpcclient - info on RPC in the environment
- showmount - displays all shared directories on the machine
- Active - sending specially crafted packets and comparing responses to determine OS
- Passive - reading error messages, sniffing traffic or looking at page extensions
- Easy way to banner grab is connect via telnet on port (e.g. 80 for web server)
- Netcat can also be used to banner grab
nc <IPaddress or FQDN> <port number>
- Can be used to get information about OS or specific server info (such as web server, mail server, etc.)
- NetBIOS provides name servicing, connectionless communication and some Session layer stuff
- The browser service in Windows designed to host information about all machines within domain or TCP/IP network segment
- NetBIOS name is a 16-character ASCII string used to identify devices
- Command on Windows is nbtstat
(gives your own info)nbtstat -n
(gives local table)nbtstat -A IPADDRESS
(gives remote information)nbtstat -c
(gives cache information)
Code | Type | Meaning |
<1B> | UNIQUE | Domain master browser |
<1C> | UNIQUE | Domain controller |
<1D> | GROUP | Master browser |
<00> | UNIQUE | Hostname |
<00> | GROUP | Domain name |
<03> | UNIQUE | Service running on system |
<20> | UNIQUE | Server service running |
- NetBIOS name resolution doesn't work on IPv6
- Other Tools
- SuperScan
- Hyena
- NetBIOS Enumerator
- NSAuditor
- Management Information Base (MIB) - database that stores information
- Object Identifiers (OID) - identifiers for information stored in MIB
- SNMP GET - gets information about the system
- SNMP SET - sets information about the system
- Types of objects
- Scalar - single object
- Tabular - multiple related objects that can be grouped together
- SNMP uses community strings which function as passwords
- There is a read-only and a read-write version
- Default read-only string is public and default read-write is private
- These are sent in cleartext unless using SNMPv3
- Tools
- Engineer's Toolset
- SNMPScanner
- OpUtils 5
- SNScan
- IP Network Browser
- Connects on TCP 389 to a Directory System Agent (DSA)
- Returns information such as valid user names, domain information, addresses, telephone numbers, system data, organization structure and other items
- Tools
- Softerra
- JXplorer
- Lex
- LDAP Admin Tool
- Active Directory Explorer
- Runs on UDP 123
- Querying can give you list of systems connected to the server (name and IP)
- Tools
- NTP Server Scanner
- AtomSync
- Can also use Nmap and Wireshark
- Commands include ntptrace, ntpdc and ntpq
- VRFY - validates user
- EXPN - provides actual delivery address of mailing list and aliases
- RCPT TO - defines recipients