Docker container to automatically install and configure Jenkins to build Android APK after each commit on BitBucket repository with a specific format
Clone the project to your directory
git clone
Edit the file android_bitbucket.yml
under -git url paste your BitBucket Repository URL
- git:
url: [YOUR BitBucket Repository Public URL]
Then build the image
docker build -t jubba/jenkins-android:latest .
Run this command to run the container
docker run -d -p 80:8080 -u=root --name jnks -v jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home jubba/jenkins-android
Run this command to setup Jenkins job and get the admin password
docker exec -it jnks /opt/
Go to your BitBucket reposotoriy Settings -> Webhook, input the title and the url as http://YOUR-Jenkins-Public-IP/bitbucket-hook/
then save
Commit and Push new changes on your Andriod project on BitBucket and you should see new build running on Jenkins Job, the new generated APK should found on Last Successful Deployed Artifacts
with the following format date:time_build-number.apk
More information can be found on the following links: