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jsteffen edited this page Apr 5, 2012 · 4 revisions

[Selenium] ( is an environment for browser-based regression tests. It simulates a user's interaction with the META-SHARE web application and provides means to verify the expected behavior of the application.


The following settings are required in

  • SELENIUM_DRIVER: This defines the browser against which the tests are run. The browser needs to be installed on the machine where the tests run. Supported browsers are Firefox, InternetExplorer, Opera and Chrome.

  • TEST_NAME entry in the default database: This is only required when using sqlite3 as engine. When not set, SQLite runs the tests in a memory based database. This does NOT work with Selenium tests. Therefore a file system based test database has to be set via the TEST_NAME entry. Be aware that a file based test database is much slower than a memory based one. So if you don't plan to run Selenium tests regularly on your local machine, you might want to omit the TEST_NAME entry and only activate it when running Selenium tests. If you use another engine apart from sqlite3, the TEST_NAME entry is not required.

Running Selenium tests

The Selenium integration in META-SHARE extends the test command with two additional options: test --selenium

runs the both the Selenium and non-Selenium tests. test --selenium-only 

runs only the Selenium tests. test 

runs the non-Selenium tests.

Additionally, the command for running Jenkins tests now runs both the Selenium and non-Selenium tests and creates the corresponding reports required for the Jenkins continuous integration: jenkins

Writing Selenium tests

[Selenium IDE] ( is a Firefox plugin that allows to easily record a user's interaction with a web application and to define assert statements about the results of the interaction. For more details, see the [documentation] ( The Selenium script can be exported to a number of formats. For META-SHARE, use 'Export Test Case As Python 2 (WebDriver)'.

Configuring Selenium IDE for META-SHARE

To produce META-SHARE tests that run (almost) without any further modification, the Python 2 (WebDriver) format has to be adapted. This is done via Options - Options... - Formats - Python 2 (WebDriver)

Please change the following entries:


from django_selenium.testcases import SeleniumTestCase
from metashare import settings
from metashare.settings import DJANGO_BASE
from selenium import webdriver
from import By
from import Select
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException

class ${className}(SeleniumTestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        # init Selenium
        driver = getattr(webdriver, settings.SELENIUM_DRIVER, None)
        assert driver, "settings.SELENIUM_DRIVER contains non-existing driver"
        self.driver = driver()
        host = getattr(settings, 'SELENIUM_TESTSERVER_HOST', 'localhost')
        port = getattr(settings, 'SELENIUM_TESTSERVER_PORT', 8011)
        self.base_url = 'http://{0}:{1}/{2}'.format(host, port, DJANGO_BASE)
        self.verificationErrors = []

    def ${methodName}(self):
        ${receiver} = self.driver


    def is_element_present(self, how, what):
            self.driver.find_element(by=how, value=what)
        except NoSuchElementException:
            return False
        return True

    def tearDown(self):
        # clean up Selenium
        self.assertEqual([], self.verificationErrors)

After exporting to Python 2 (WebDriver) the only adaptation required is replacing

driver.get(self.base_url + "/whatever")



This is required because the base url is already adapted to the DJANGO_BASE in the setUp method.

As with the other unit tests, the setUp method can be extended to load fixture, define users, etc.

Be aware that a few assert/verify commands available in the IDE are currently not supported when exporting a test to Python 2 (WebDriver) (e.g. assertTextPresent and verifyTextPresent). If a command is not available, the following line is inserted in the exported script:

# ERROR: Caught exception [ERROR: Unsupported command [...]]

If a command is not available, there is usually an alternative command to assert the same fact.

The final Selenium test has to be placed in a package named seltests (parallel to the tests package with the other unit tests). Don't forget to import your tests in seltests/

An example Selenium test can be found in metashare/repo2/seltests/

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