Releases: JuliaDynamics/Associations.jl
Releases · JuliaDynamics/Associations.jl
Cap StateSpaceReconstruction
Cap StateSpaceReconstruction version, so that the re-structuring of StateSpaceReconstruction can be pushed without JuliaCIBot failing.
Added plot recipes
CausalityTools.jl v0.2.3
Use RecipesBase for plot functionality.
Implements recipes for the following types:
Visualising triangulations, simplices and simplex intersections
In addition, there's a recipe allowing for the visualization of triangulation partitions, simplices and their intersection, with the following signature
plot(original_pts, E::AbstractEmbedding, DT::DelaunayTriangulation; kwargs...)
Add missing requirements not detected by JuliaCIBot
Need to make sure that REQUIRE has all the same dependencies (except standard libraries) that are in Project.toml. This error does not show up until a user attempts to install the package.
Require Reexport
Fixed missing dependency that wasn't caught by JuliaCIBot but showed up when installing the package on a fresh Julia installation
Require Julia 1.0
Merge pull request #42 from kahaaga/releases/v0.2.0 Releases/v0.2.0
Initial release
Merge pull request #40 from kahaaga/0.7 Move to Julia 1.0