Interact v0.10.4
Closed issues:
- Some glitchiness/delays/stalls in @manipulate (#177)
- Manipulate sliders hidden underneath output (#196)
- no output on jupyter (#294)
- Button background still white using Bulma dark css (#331)
- cannot build on v1.3.0-rc1.0 and v1.1.1 (#333)
- not registered in Julia 1.3? (#343)
- Blink: output doesn't update with more than one observable (#344)
- Interaction with fps from Reactive.jl (#346)
- Observable plotted dataframe cann't be updated from task (#348)
- hbox not working with gif (#364)
- Widget displays but doesn't update plot (#371)
- Interact.jl widgets not getting rendered on jupyter-notebook (#372)
- Unsatisfiable requirements (#374)
- I get 404s in inspector when using Interact in JupyterHub, and no rendering. (#375)
- Mixing markdown and Interact.jl removes all html rendering. (#376)
- Plot size is too large in Juno (#382)
- Filed to build the package (#383)
- Problem with gr() (#385)
- How Do I Pre-Check Checkboxes? (#386)
- Not installing in Julia 1.5.3 (#387)
- slider doesn't control plot with using LinearAlgebra (#391)
- precompilation error on julia-1.6.0 (#392)
- Saving the state of a variable for use outside of widget doesn't seem to work (#393)
- Update needed for Jupyterlab > 3.0 (#395)
- Does not work with Jupyterlab 3.0.14 (#396)
Merged pull requests:
- Update index.md (#342) (@logankilpatrick)
- Improve the README (#347) (@shashi)
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#352) (@JuliaTagBot)
- Update README.md (#358) (@travigd)
- Update README.md (#373) (@baggepinnen)
- Reform compat section, add CompatHelper (#399) (@mkitti)