This is a neuro-evolution of augmenting topologies library. It uses a genetic algorithm to evolve neural networks.
This is useful when you don't have a dataset to train your neural network, for example when you need an agent to interact with an environment or to learn to play some games.
It's similar to StaticNeuroGenetic library, but this can also evolve the topology of the neural network.
Create an evaluation function
// Eval an individual
func eval(agents *staticneurogenetic.SNG, individual int) {
inputs := [][]float64 {
[]float64 {0, 0},
[]float64 {0, 1},
[]float64 {1, 0},
[]float64 {1, 1},
targets := []float64 {
agents.SetFitness(individual, 0)
for i, input := range inputs {
// Get individual output ([]float64)
output := agents.Output(individual, input)
// Calculate how wrong is the output
dif := math.abs(targets[i] - output[0])
// Added to the fitness
agents.AddFitness(individual, 1 - dif)
// Eval each individual
func evalAll(agents *staticneurogenetic.SNG) {
for i := range agents.Population {
eval(agents, i)
Create a new set of agents
agents := staticneurogenetic.NewSNG(
2, //Input size
1, //Output size
300, //PopulationSize (number of individual to work with)
10, //Survivors (number of individual that will not change in next generation and to use as parents)
0.1, //Probability to mutate a new individual
0.1, //Maximun size of mutations
0.2, //Probability to change bias
0.2, //Probability to add new neurons
neat.GetActivation("sigmoid"), //Activation function for the neural network
false, //Not recurrent
To train the agents we just need to get the next generation
for i := 0; i < 300; i++ {
agents.NextGeneration() //Evolve each neural networks