This library use a genetic algorithm to fit a neural network weights. This is useful when you don't have a dataset to train your neural network, for example when you need an agent to interact with an environment or to learn to play some games.
Create an evaluation function
// Eval an individual
func eval(agents *staticneurogenetic.SNG, individual int) {
inputs := [][]float64 {
[]float64 {0, 0},
[]float64 {0, 1},
[]float64 {1, 0},
[]float64 {1, 1},
targets := []float64 {
for i, input := range inputs {
// Get individual output ([]float64)
output := agents.Output(individual, input)
// Calculate how wrong is the output
dif := math.abs(targets[i] - output[0])
// Added to the fitness
agents.AddFitness(individual, 1 - dif)
// Eval each individual
func evalAll(agents *staticneurogenetic.SNG) {
for i := range agents.Population {
eval(agents, i)
Create a new set of agents
agents := staticneurogenetic.NewSNG(
[]int{2, 3, 1}, //Neural network's layers [input, hiddens..., output]
staticneurogenetic.Sigmoid, //Activation function for the neural network
300, //PopulationSize (number of individual to work with)
10, //Survivors (number of individual that will not change in next generation and to use as parents)
0.1, //MutRate (probability to mutate a new individual)
0.1, //MutSize (how big the mutation will be)
staticneurogenetic.OneMutation, //MutType
staticneurogenetic.DivPointCross, //CrossType
To train the agents we just need to get the next generation
for i := 0; i < 300; i++ {
agents.ResetFitness() //Set all fitness to 0, for use AddFitness
agents.NextGeneration() //Evolve each neural networks
You can find a complete example here