C++ Static Library for VC++
if you want to use it on Linux, please use C++Lib in JunkBox_Lib
git clone https://github.com/JunkBox-Library/JunkBox_Libpp.git JubkBox_Lib++
- of course, you can use another libraries (requires JunkBox_Lib++_2022.vcxproj configuration change)
- x64: openjpeg-v2.5.0-windows-x64.zip
- x86: openjpeg-v2.5.0-windows-x86.zip
- jpegsr9e.zip (source code)
- zlib-1.3.tar.gz (source code)
- https://www.zlib.net/
- compile using cmake-gui and VS Community
- libpng-1.6.43.tar.gz (source code)
- http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/libpng/files/libpng16/1.6.43/
- compile using cmake-gui and VS Community
- jpeg-9e
- JunkBox_Lib++
- openjpeg-v2.5.0-windows-x64
- openjpeg-v2.5.0-windows-x86
- zlib-1.3
- lpng16
- double click JunkBox_Lib++_2022.vcxproj
- build targets
- < v2.0
- Release: OpenJPEG.lib
- Debug: OpenJPEGd.lib
- >=2.0
- openjp2.lib
- libjpeg.lib
- Release: zlib.lib
- Debug: zlibd.lib
- Release: libpng16_static.lib
- Debug: libpng16_staticd.lib
- Release: opencv_core242.libb, opencv_imgproc242.lib, opencv_objdetect242.lib
- Debug: opencv_core242d.libb, opencv_imgproc242d.lib, opencv_objdetect242d.lib