Help in analysing your Android phone's sensors with graphs and visuals.
- 2022: configure sensor delay
- 2023: Beautiful Visuals of for each sensors.
- A very good UI for user to interact.
- Use of android sensors for different utilities.
- Use Cases
Whole sensors functionality is implemented inside domain folder, where SensorProvider used for listing available sensors and SensorPacketProvider for get packets .
- Realtime sensor outputs into charts.
- Implemented in Jetpack Compose.
- MVVM Architecture used for this App.
- Usage of Kotlin Flow, Jetpack State, Singletons etc.
- Theming in M3 for Light and Dark.
This project takes advantage of best practices of common libraryies and tools in android.
- Kotlin
- Coroutines - for background operations
- Flow - alternate of RxJava
- Jetpack Compose
- Jetpack libraries:
- Navigation - in-app navigation
- Lifecycle - perform an action when lifecycle state changes
- ViewModel - store and manage UI-related data in a lifecycle conscious way
- Material Design 3
- Charts: MpAndroidChart
- Thank you to everyone who tried out this app and opened issues, suggested features, provided translations, or tested debug builds for me
- Thanks to @KunwarManish2008 for helping in several features