The purpose of this repo is to provide a framework for creating your own component in the software sequence discipline.
When starting your portfolio project, the following steps should make your life a bit easier.
Assuming you're reading this README from GitHub, you can make use of this
repo by clicking the Use this template
button in the top-right corner of
this page. If you can't find the button, this link
should work as well. Personally, I would recommend using the
Create a new repository
option, which will allow you to name the
repository after your component. Given that you will be submitting pull
requests to me through Carmen, you'll want to make sure your repository
is public. Then, you can click Create repository
. After that, you can
go through all the usual steps of cloning a repository on your system to
get to work. I use GitHub Desktop to clone projects, and it has a nice
feature of letting you open a repo directly in VSCode from the
When you open VSCode with this project, you should get a notification in the bottom right corner that there are some recommended extensions to install. Click install all. If you ignored this message or it never came up, feel free to press CTRL+SHIFT+P and type "Show Recommended Extensions". Install all of the extensions listed.
If you do not have an available JDK on your system, you may be prompted to install one by VSCode. The default seems to be Red Hat's OpenJDK, which seems to require you to register for an account or to install on the command line. Regardless, there is no mac support. As a result, I would just recommend installing the latest JDK directly from Oracle's site.
As you are probably all aware at this point, you need the components jar to get
anything running. My advice is to download it from here. Then,
drop it into the lib
folder in the project. Git automatically ignores anything
you put here by default, so don't worry about committing it to version control.
Similarly, you will need the testing APIs (e.g., JUnit). Perhaps the easiest way
to include them in your project is to click the beaker symbol in the left
sidebar; it's right below the extensions button which looks like four squares.
If you do not see this button, try creating a Java file in src
. From there,
you can click "Enable Java Tests" and then click "JUnit" from the
dropdown. That's it! You should now see the two JUnit libraries in the lib
Note: if you're using VSCode for class projects, you might be wondering
why you never had to do this. In general, it's bad practice to commit binaries
to version control. However, we have no way of managing dependencies with the
custom components.jar
, so I included them directly in the template. I did not
include them here, so you could see how it might be done from scratch. If at any
point you're struggling with Step 3, just copy the lib folder from the monorepo
Now that you have everything setup, you can begin crafting your component. There will be deadlines for each step in Carmen, but you're free to complete each step as early as you'd like. To start, you'll want to visit the doc directory for each assignment file.