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Experiments with gradient descent based path planning on differentiable surfaces


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Experiments with gradient descent based path planning on differentiable surfaces.


Algorithm description

The algorithm works by first selecting one or several initial paths. These are sets of consecutive points on a given differentiable surface with common start and end points. After this the points of the initial path(s) are moved by gradient descent towards path(s) with smaller segment lengths between consecutive points. This single optimization step is repeated several times. Finally, if there were more than one initial paths chosen in the beginning then the shortest of them is selected after the final optimization step.

This approach is quite sensitive to initial conditions (shapes of the surface and the initial path(s)). For this reason sampling of various initial paths and regularization is needed. Here the regularization is an added loss term which measures the mean of squared differences between segment lengths of the consecutive points and the mean of these lengths.

The algorithm works best in fairly flat surfaces. This project is meant for experimenting when and how it fails and how to counter these situations. For this reason the included surface configurations have steep hills and valleys.

Surface configurations

The surfaces are created by reading their configuration from a JSON-file and then constructing the corresponding function. These functions are either sums of gaussian functions which have been multiplied by positive or negative constants, or polynomials, or sums of these two type of functions.


Clone this repository and install the libraries with pip:

git clone
cd SurfOpt/
pip install -r requirements.txt

How to use

Basic use

For running the program with the default set of parameters and configuration file (later defines the surface function), use the following command:

python3 surfopt

Changing the start and end points

The start and end point of the paths can be changed with the args -x0 (or --start_x), -y0 (or --start_y), -x1 (or --end_x) and -y1 (or --end_y) as follows:

python3 surfopt -x0 <x0> -y0 <y0> -x1 <x1> -y1 <y1>

where <x0> and <y0> are the float values of the starting point and <x1>and <y1> are similar values for the end point.

The default values for these are: -1.5, -2.0, 1.5 and 2.0.

Changing the surface

The surface configuration can be switched with the arg -f (or --conf_file) by using:

python3 surfopt -f <filename>

where <filename> is the name of the config-file without the file extension. These files can be found from the directory surfopt/config_files.

The default filename is gauss_updown.

Viewing the surfaces

It's also possible to view a surface with the arg -v (or --view_surface) by using:

python3 surfopt -v -f <filename>

where <filename> is name of the file without the file extension.

Example of two surfaces:

It's possible to choose a different color scheme from matplotlib's color maps with then arg -cm (or --cmap). For example:

python3 surfopt -v -f <filename> -cm inferno

will make the plot using matplotlib's inferno color map. For reversing the order use _r postfix in the color map's name. For example:

python3 surfopt -v -f <filename> -cm inferno_r

will make the plot using matplotlib's reversed inferno color map.

Examples of these:

Changing the hyper parameters

The hyper parameters for the optimization are: learning rate, number of optimization steps, amount of regularization and optimizer type. Command line args for these are: -l (or --learning_rate), -no (or --num_opt_steps), -re (or --regular_const) and -o (or --optim_type).

Out of these the first and third should be small floats, the second should be int and the fourth should be one of SGD, Adam, AdamW.

The default values are: 5e-4, 1000, 1e-3 and SGD.

Example of how to use:

python3 surfopt -l 1e-5

will change the learning rate value to 1e-5.

Changing the sampling methods

The optimization uses sampled paths which are modified during the optimization. Most of the sampling methods are non-random (full sample from a determined set).

The sampling options that can be used either separately or simultaneously. The default options is to sample only one a straight line segment that connects the start point to the end point. This option can be turned off by -ul False (or --use_line False).

Other options are:

  • Arc sampling -ua (or --use_args) which selects curved arcs between the end points.

    Sub-parameters for this are: -na (or --num_angles), -mi (or --min_angle) and -ma (or --max_angle). The first one should be an int, the second one float (a fraction of pi) and same holds also for the third sub-parameter. The default values for these are: 1, 0.17453292519943295 and 0.7853981633974483; where the second last number is an approximate value of pi/18 and the last number is an approximate value of pi/4.

    Description: The first value <num angles> will set the number of arcs symmetrically below and above the line that connects the start and end points. Namely, <num angles> + 1 for both. The second value <min angle> is the angle between the flattest arcs (above and below) and the connecting line at the start point. The third value <min angle> is the same but for the for the most curved arcs (above and below).

  • Sine sampling -us (or --use_sines) which selects sine curves between the end points.

    Sub-parameters for this are: -c (or --constants) and -m (or --multiples), The first one should be a string of comma separated floats and the second a string of comma separated ints. Their default values are: 1.0,1.0,1.0 and 1,-1.

    Description: The first first string value <constants> gives the values of the constants by which each sine is multiplied. Their multiplicities (the value times 2pi) are given by the second string value <multiples>.


    python surfopt -us -c 1.0,2.0 -m 3,4

    will sample sine terms 1.0*sin(3*2pi*x) and 2.0*sin(4*2pi*x).

  • Sine sums sampling -uss (or --use_sines_sums) which selects sums of sine curves between the end points. This is the only method which uses random sampling.

    Sub-parameters for this are: -m (or --multiples), -u (or --up_ranges), -nsa and (or --num_samples), The first one should be a string of comma separated floats, the second one string of comma separated ints and third should be an int. Their default values are: 1,-1, 1.0,1.0,1.0 and 10.

    Optionally also a random seed -r (or --random_seed) can be used. This should be an int.

    Description: The first string value <multiples> tells the multiplicities of the each sine tern sampled for the sum. The second string value <up ranges> tells the upper bounds of the ranges where their constants are sampled form (the lower bound is zero for all of them). The last int term tells how many sine sums will be sampled.


    python surfopt -us -m 1,-1,2 -u 1.0,2.0,3.0 -nsa 3

    samples tree sine sums of the form: a*sin(1*2pi*x) + b*sin(-1*2pi*x) + c*sin(2*2pi*x) where a is between 0.0 and 1.0, b is between 0.0 and 2.0, and c is between 0.0 and 3.0.

Common parameter for all these options is -ns (or --num_steps) which is an int. For this parameter the default value is 50. This tells how many points there will be in the each sampled path.

File for the sampler has a if __name__ == '__main__' section for testing its functionality through visualizations. It's possible to experiment with it as follows:

cd surfopt
python3 -m src.sampler <args and values>

where <args and values> are the command line args and their values.

Examples of the different sampling methods:

(line sampling, arc sampling, sine sampling and sine sums sampling).

Using saved parameters (points, surface, sampling & hyper parameters)

Changing of the default values might cause the algorithm to fail. For reference there are also saved parameter files available. These contain configurations for a surface, hyper parameters, sampling and end points for which the optimization works reasonably well. To run the optimization with saved parameters use:

python3 surfopt -pf <filename>

where <filename> is the name of the parameter file which are located at the directory surfopt/saved_params. Each file name contains the name of the surface it uses.


There are several plotting options. Its possible to plot the changes which happened during the optimization in each path with the command line arg -pc (or --plot_changes). For loss development use -pr (or --plot_results). These are are store_true args and hence don't need any boolean value after them.

The path which is best performing after the optimization is plotted by default. This behavior can be switched off with -pb False (or --plot_best False).

For plotting all the above choices use

python3 surfopt -pa

(or --plot_all) which is store_true option and dosen't need any boolean value.

Examples of the plots:

The first plot is the changes plot which is plotted separately for every path. It shows the changes during the optimization. The yellow path is the initial path and the colors get cooler and darker for later optimizations steps. If the path diverge badly (with NaN values) it's possible that it dosen't appear in the plot.

The second plot is the results plot which show the losses during the optimization for all paths and their mean loss. The legend for color codes is only shown when there is at most 10 paths. If some of the paths diverge badly (with NaN values) it's possible that these don't appear in the plot.

The last plot shows the best trajectory after the optimization. Again, if there is bad divergence the plot might not show any path. The points of the best path are also printed by default. This behavior can be switched of by setting the arg -prb (or --print_best) to False.

If there are several plots chosen the next plot is always shown only after the previous plot has been closed, which can be done by pressing q on the keyboard or by clicking the X on the plot window.

Alternatively the plots can be also saved. For this use:

python3 surfopt <args & values> -s

which will create a directory surfopt\plots\<timestamp> and save the plots there. The name <timestamp> is a string representation of current time and has the following format: "%Y_%m_%d_%Z_%H_%M_%S".

Saving the parameters

python3 surfopt <args and values> -sp -sn <name for the params file>

where <args and values> are the other command line args and their values. For example:

python3 surfopt -l 1e-5 -sp -sn new_lr

this will save otherwise default configuration except with given learning rate, to surfopt/saved_params directory as a file new_lr.json.

Optionally, this can be also done without giving any name for the file:

python3 surfopt <args and values> -sp

This selects the file name according to current time (the same <timestamp> format as mentioned earlier). In both cases, if the plot saving option is used, the plots are saved to folder surfopt/plots/<name> where <name> is the name given after -sn arg or the time based name in the later case.

Creating random surfaces

It's possible create random surfaces. These are made of gaussian bump functions. Same number of randomly selected positive (hills) and negative (valleys) bump functions are added together to create a surface.

For making one with the default parameters and a random seed use:

python3 surfopt -cs -r <seed value>

(or use --create_surface and --random_seed) where <seed value> is the int value of the seed.

For varying the number of gaussians (the same number will be used for both the positive and the negative bumps) use -ng (or --num_gauss). However, it should be noted that the more there are bumps the slower the optimization will take.

The bottom range for the random values of the diagonal terms of the covariance matrices is set with -d0 (or --diag_min). Maximum of this range is set with -d1 (or --diag_max).

Similar values for the off-diagonal terms are set with -o0 (or --offd_min) and -o1 (or --offd_max).

In the both scales the min values should be positive and less than the max values.

The means of the gaussian function are sampled from the same ranges that are used for creating a grid for plots. These ranges can be changed with -xmi (or --x_min), -xma (or --x_max), -xmi (or --x_min) and --xma (or --x_max).

Finally, the scale parameter can be used for multiplying all functions with it. This way the height range of the surface can be altered. For this use -sc (or -scale).

The created surfaces are saved to directory surfopt/config_files with names of the form gauss<N>seed<M>.json where <N> is the value chosen for the number of gaussians and <M> is the value of the random seed (for conciseness the scale parameter is not used).


python3 surfopt -cs -r 0 -ng 5

This creates a surface with 5 randomly selected positive and negative gaussian bump functions (whose terms are sampled from the default ranges) and saves it with the name gauss5seed0.json.

Examples of two random surfaces:


There are unit tests for the file. These can be run as follows:

cd surfopt
python3 -m pytest

Convergence properties

The optimizer type matters. Although Adam and AdamW seems to converge faster and be less prone to divergence they also tend to converge towards unnatural looking paths, at least in some cases. Thus SGD seems to be better choice for this algorithm.

Sampling of several paths is needed since it's possible that some paths converge very well and some start to diverge very badly even when they share the same boundary points and the same hyper-parameters are used for their optimization.

The regularization makes the convergence slightly more unstable, but without it the algorithm is able to make short cuts. That is, the points can get cluttered near the boundary of a hill or a valley acting as if there would be one long segment passing through or above it.


Experiments with gradient descent based path planning on differentiable surfaces








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