Solution animation display of the game Opus Magnum and more, powered by the official Opus Magnum subreddit!
Static webpage developed with VueJs, Vuetify, D3, and more awesome web development things :)
- Featured: puzzle solutions featured on subreddit (same list as subreddit listing)
- Card view of each solution: solution animation/video, thread title, author, submission time
- Metrics: aggregated solution metrics from subreddit listings
- Histogram charts of each puzzle: grouped together solutions submitted by subredditors; and gathered metrics accordingly
- App
- GIF support for imgur, giphy, and other gif images hosts
- some form of data caching? cache subreddit listing, then prompt to update?
- 'Featured' tab
- load more thread action (currently set at first 10 solutions/threads)
- smoother UI indication of cards loading
- filter by puzzles/categories
- 'Metrics' tab
- better loading UI (use linear progress bar on top of page; indicate no. of threads loaded)
- separate leaderboards by metrics when showing metric charts in row
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
For detailed explanation on how things work, consult the docs for vue-loader.