Vibify is a Spotify API wrapper designed to handle several Spotify API calls. It provides a simple and efficient way to interact with the Spotify API using JavaScript.
- Login with Spotify (get user's access token and refresh token)
- Get user's Spotify information
- Get user's currently playing track
- Get user's top tracks
- Get user's last listened tracks
- Get user's top artists
- Create a playlist for a specific month and year
- Get user's liked songs
- Get audio features for specified tracks
- Create a recommendation playlist
- Get user's top genre(s)
- Logout (delete user from the database)
This project uses npm for package management. To install all the dependencies, run the following command:
npm install
To use the Spotify API, you need to set the environment variables in .env.example and rename it to .env.
To use the Spotify API, you need to create a Spotify Developer account and create an application. After creating an application, you will receive a client ID and a client secret. You will also need to set the redirect URI in the application settings. More information can be found here.
This project is still in development and is not yet ready for production. The API is subject to change and may not be stable.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.