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Alright, Lets's get this straight, these are just some dotfiles, which will help you to setup a graphical environment in termux. It's kind of a backup for me as well.

This repo contains config files, some useful & important scripts. I'm trying to make it a step by step guide to setup a beautiful linux desktop in your android device with termux, So follow the steps and you'll end up making it look like this -


Lets's start with the beginning...

What is termux?

Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment app that works directly with no rooting or setup required. A minimal base system is installed automatically - additional packages are available using the APT package manager. More Here...

How To install termux?

You can install termux form google play store or from f-droid.

Get it on Google Play
Download from F-Droid

More information about installation is here

At first start a small base system is downloaded, And brings you to a minimal bash shell.


Package Description Installation
x11-repo Termux repo for x11 packages pkg install x11-repo
vnc server For graphical output pkg install tigervnc
openbox wm Openbox Window Manager pkg install openbox obconf
xsetroot Set color background for X pkg install xorg-xsetroot
xterm X terminal pkg install xterm
xcompmgr Composite manager or desktop effects pkg install xcompmgr
xfsettingsd The settings daemon, to set themes & icons pkg install xfce4-settings
polybar Easy and fast status bar pkg install polybar
st Suckless/Simple terminal pkg install st
geany Graphical text editor pkg install geany
thunar File manager (optional) pkg install thunar
pcmanfm File manager pkg install pcmanfm
rofi An application launcher pkg install rofi
feh Simple image viewer pkg install feh
neofetch System info program pkg install neofetch
git VCS, for cloning repos pkg install git
wget Command line downloader pkg install wget
curl To transfer/get internet data pkg install curl
zsh A very good shell pkg install zsh
vim Command line text editor (! - hard to exit :D) pkg install vim
htop System monitor (optional) pkg install htop
elinks Command line web browser (optional) pkg install elinks
mutt Command line mail client (optional) pkg install mutt
mc Command line file manager (optional) pkg install mc
ranger Command line file manager (optional) pkg install ranger
cmus Command line music player (optional) pkg install cmus
cava Console-based audio visualizer (optional) pkg install cava
pulseaudio Sound system & audio server (optional) pkg install pulseaudio

You can install all important programs simply pasting this in the termux -

pkg update && pkg upgrade && pkg install x11-repo && pkg install tigervnc openbox obconf xorg-xsetroot xcompmgr xterm polybar st zsh geany pcmanfm rofi feh neofetch htop vim elinks mutt git wget curl xfce4-settings


Now all the necessary programs are installed, it's time to configure the system.
So, first clone this repo by,

cd $HOME && git clone

Now go to the cloned directory termux-desktop and copy or move 'home' & 'usr' directories to /data/data/com.termux/files. you can do it by,

cp -rf ./home /data/data/com.termux/files && cp -rf ./usr /data/data/com.termux/files


mv -f ./home /data/data/com.termux/files && mv -f ./home /data/data/com.termux/files

Warning : I'm assuming you're doing this on a fresh termux install. If not so, please backup your files before running these command above. These commands will forcefully copy or move files in home & usr directory. So, before doing that, take a look inside the repo directories, and backup your existing config files (like .vimrc, .zshrc, .gitconfig, etc).

VNC Server Now, Let's configure the vnc server for graphical output. Run -

vncserver -localhost

At first time, you will be prompted for setting up passwords -

You will require a password to access your desktops.

Would you like to enter a view-only password (y/n)? n

Note that passwords are not visible when you are typing them and maximal password length is 8 characters.
If everything is okay, you will see this message -

New 'localhost:1 ()' desktop is localhost:1

Creating default startup script /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.vnc/xstartup
Creating default config /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.vnc/config
Starting applications specified in /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /data/data/com.termux/files/home/.vnc/localhost:1.log

It means that X (vnc) server is available on display 'localhost:1'.
Finally, to make programs do graphical output to the display 'localhost:1', set environment variable like shown here (yes, without specifying 'localhost'):

export DISPLAY=":1"

You may even put this variable to your bashrc or profile so you don't have to always set it manually unless display address will be changed.

Now You can start the vnc server by,


And to stop the server, run -

vncserver -kill :1

VNC Client Now you need a vnc client app to connect to server. I'm using this Android VNC client: VNC Viewer (developed by RealVNC Limited). You can use TigerVNC if you're trying to connect to server by a computer (Windows or Linux).

Determine port number on which VNC server listens. It can be calculated like this: 5900 + {display number}. So for display 'localhost:1' the port will be 5901.

Now open the VNC Viewer application and create a new connection with the following information (assuming that VNC port is 5901) -



Now launch it. You will be prompted for password that you entered on first launch of 'vncserver'. And because you've copy pasted everthing, you'll be headed to this desktop -


Well, That's it. You've successfully installed a beautiful graphical desktop on termux. Hurray!!!


Well, Here are some ideas or things you can do with termux and how you can make doing these stuff easy with a graphical desktop. And FYI, I'm not doing anything illegal or sponsoring any kind of Hacking and Cracking. Termux is a powerful tool, use it with responsibilities.

Rofi : Rofi app launcher. desktop
Polybar Style : Rofi based script to change the colors of polybar. desktop
Stuff : Running cmatrix, htop, pipes, etc. desktop
Internet : Elinks as browser and mutt as mail client. desktop
File Managers : Pcmanfm and thunar, graphical file managers. desktop
CLI File Managers : Ranger & MC, console based file managers. desktop
Text Editors : Runnig vim, nano (CLI based) & geany (graphical) text editors. desktop
Showing Off : Ah, just some tools - desktop
Resolution : on 1920x1080 display resolution desktop

Additional Tools

You can install additional tools for termux, to make it visually look good.

  1. Oh my zsh, Setup zsh with oh-my-zsh framework.
  2. Termux style, Change color and fonts in termux.

Not Supported Yet

  • Bitmap Fonts
  • SVG Icon Packs
  • .Xresources/.Xdefaults For xterm/aterm
  • No Web Browser (Expected Midori)
  • No Hardware Acceleration
  • Some Other Things


  • First thing first, the guide above may have some errors, everybody make mistakes.
  • If you face any problem or get any error, you can create an issue & i'll help.
  • There are some scripts made by me and some are made by other people, I've just put those here collectively.
  • You may need to edit some scripts accoring to your need (like, battery, network email for polybar & .muttrc, .gitconfig)
  • I'll make more desktop configs and try to configure different window managers (fluxbox, dwm) by time.
  • Share this repository with your friends.


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