MpvQt is a libmpv wrapper for Qt Quick 2/Qml.
- Create a class extending
(check the mpvitem.h/mpvitem.cpp files in the example) - Register the class
qmlRegisterType<ClassName>("com.example.mpv", 1, 0, "NameUsedInQml");
- In your qml file import mpv
import com.example.mpv 1.0
- Then create an instance
NameUsedInQml {}
(check the Main.qml file in the example)
MpvQt loads a config file located at <config_folder>/mpvqt/mpvqt.conf
the file has to be manually created and is a regular mpv config file.
The settings apply to all applications using MpvQt,
applications can override the properties set in MpvQt's config file.