Thanks to Hyunbae Park, normalization error in previous versions was found. This version just fixes this major bug but nothing else from v1.1.5.
Before, raylrnd was used as raylrnd(1, ...).
Now, raylrnd is used as raylrnd(1/sqrt(2), ...).
Action needed: do NOT use random seeds named "subgaussseed*.matbin" that were generated by older versions.
The confusion in old versions came from a typo in Coles & Lucchin: Eq. 14.8.3 in 1st Edition (equivalently Eq. 13.7.3 in the 2nd Edition) is wrongfully written.
$\delta_{k}^{2}$ in two denominators should be replaced by$\delta_{k}^{2}$ , and thus the change above.