This package is developed as a part of SKA Data Challenge (SDC) 3a for EoR Foreground by team “KorSDC” in 2023. After the SDC 3a, it is trimmed to share in public as encouraged by the SDC3 team to demonstrate the reproducibility for our submission as a tutorial format using Jupiter notebook. You can go through three jupyter notebooks in the directory "KORSDC_FGremove/main" from part1 to part3 in sequenc to reproduce our results. Please note that some of the necessary inputs are too large to be shared in this repository. You need to download those files to run the notebook by following the explanation in the notebooks.
SKA SDC 3a web page:
git clone
To use the package, you need the following packages to be installed.
- Source Extractor (ref.
- numpy
- astorpy
- matplotlib
- mpl_toolkits