diff --git a/contributions/demo/johhamm-sestak/README.md b/contributions/demo/johhamm-sestak/README.md
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-# Demo: Machine Learning CI/CD with Github Actions and Kubernetes
+# MLOPS: CI&CD with Kubeflow Pipelines in GCP
-## Members
-* Johan Hammarstedt, johham@kth.se, Github: jhammarstedt
-* Matej Sestak, sestak@kth.se, Github: sestys
-## Topic
-In this demo, we will show how to set up MLops pipeline using Kuberflow and Google Cloud.
+This repo will demonstrate how to take the first step towards MLOps by setting up and deploying a ML CI/CD pipeline using Google Clouds AI Platform, Kubeflow and Docker.
-## Format
-The demo will be presented in a 3-5 minute long video showcasing our implementation and results.
+This demo was created as a part of an assignment for a DevOps course given at KTH spring 2021 and a video demo will also be added shortly.
+## ✍ Authors
+* Johan Hammarstedt, [jhammarstedt](https://github.com/jhammarstedt)
+* Matej Sestak, [Sestys](https://github.com/sestys)
+## Video
+## Git repo
+Source code for this demo can be find [here](https://github.com/jhammarstedt/gcloud_MLOPS_demo).
+## 🗺 Overview
+The following topics will be covered:
+1. Building each task as a docker container and running them with cloud build
+ * Preprocessing step: Loading data from GC bucket, editing it and storing a new file
+ * Training: Creating a pytorch model and build a **custom prediction routine** (GCP mainly supporst tensorflow, but you can add custom models)
+ * Deployment: Deploying your custom model to the AI Platform with version control
+2. Creating a Kubeflow pipeline and connecting the above tasks
+3. Perform CI by building Github Triggers in Cloud Build that will rebuild container upon a push to repository
+4. CD by using Cloud Functions to trigger upon uploading new data to your bucket
+## 🌉 Setting up the pipeline
+Here we will go through the process of running the pipeline step by step:
+1. Create a gcp project, open the shell (make sure you're in the project), and clone the repository
+ `$ git clone https://github.com/jhammarstedt/gcloud_MLOPS_demo.git`
+2. Create a [kubeflow pipeline](https://console.cloud.google.com/ai-platform/pipelines)
+3. Run the `$ ./scripts/set_auth.sh` script in google cloud shell (might wanna change the SA_NAME), this gives us the roles we need to run the pipeline
+4. Create a docker container for each step (each of the folders in the containers repo representes a different step)
+ * Do this by running: ```$ gcloud_MLOPS_demo/containers ./build_containers.sh``` from the cloud shell.
+ This will run "build_single_container.sh in each directory"
+ * If you wish to try and just build one container, enter the directory which you want to build and run:
+ `$ bash ../build_single_container.sh {directory name}`
+5. Each subfolder (which will be a container) includes:
+ * A cloudbuild.yaml file (created in build_single_repo.sh) which will let Cloud Build create a docker container by running the included Dockerfile.
+ * The DockerFile that mainly runs the task script (e.g deploy.sh)
+ * A task script that tells the Docker container what to do (e.g preproc/train/deploy the trained model to the AI-platform)
+6. To test the container manually run
+ `$ docker run -t gcr.io/{YOUR_PROJECT}/{IMAGE}:latest --project {YOUR_PROJECT} --bucket {YOUR_BUCKET} local`
+ e.g to run the container that deploys the model to AI platform I would run:
+ `$ docker run -t gcr.io/ml-pipeline-309409/ml-demo-deploy-toai `
+7. Create a pipeline in python using the kubeflow API (currently a notebook in AI platform)
+8. Now we can either run the pipeline manually at the pipeline dashbord from 1. or run it as a script.
+## 🛠 CI
+To set up CI and rebuild at every push:
+ * Connect gcloud to github, either in the [Trigger UI](https://console.cloud.google.com/cloud-build/triggers?project=ml-pipeline-309409&folder=&organizationId=) or run:
+ `$ ./scripts setup_trigger.sh`
+ * Push the newly created cloudbuilds from GCP into the origin otherwise the trigger won't find them
+ * This trigger will run everytime a push to master happens in any of the containers and thus rebuild the affected Docker Image
+## 📦 CD
+CD can be necessary when we want to retrain/finetune the model give that we get new data, not every time we update a component.
+So we will have a Cloud function that will trigger a training pipeline when we upload new data to the Cloud Storage.
+1. Get the pipeline host url from pipeline settings (looks like [this:](https://39ddd8e8124976d-dot-us-central1.pipelines.googleusercontent.com), ideally save it as an PIPELINE_HOST environment variable).
+2. in pipeline folder, run the deploy script
+ `$ ./deploy_cloudfunction $PIPELINE_HOST`
+3. Now, whenever a new file is added or deleted from the project bucket, it will rerun the pipeline.
+## Aiming for distinction
+| | Yes | No | Remarkable |
+|-------------------------------------------- | ----|----|-------------|
+|The demonstration is clearly motivated (why it matters for Devops?) | Yes | No |✅Relates to a hard problem |
+|The demonstration is difficult to do | Yes | No |✅Relies on a non trivial infrastructure |
+|The demonstration is original | ✅Yes | No | The are less than 10 demos on the topic on Internet |
+|The video is sublime (eg visually appealing) |✅Yes | No | Excellent narrative |
+|The video contains an [easter egg](https://github.com/OrkoHunter/python-easter-eggs) | Yes | No | ✅Related to the demo (hint: check the predictions)|
+|There is a code repo to run the demo | Yes | No |✅ Code repo with a solid readme |
+|The video must contain subtitles which are clear and in proper English | Yes | No |✅ Clearly understandable voice over |
+|The video includes a take-home message |✅ Yes | No | Actionable takeaway |
+## 👓 Resources used and further reading
+* [Deploy your own custom model on GCP’s AI platform](https://medium.com/searce/deploy-your-own-custom-model-on-gcps-ai-platform-7e42a5721b43)
+* [How to carry out CI/CD in Machine Learning (“MLOps”) using Kubeflow ML pipelines](https://medium.com/google-cloud/how-to-carry-out-ci-cd-in-machine-learning-mlops-using-kubeflow-ml-pipelines-part-3-bdaf68082112)
+* [GCP documentation on model deployment](https://cloud.google.com/ai-platform/prediction/docs/deploying-models)