Currently working at Toddle, enhancing the Learning and Teaching experiences of students across 100+ countries in 1500+ schools.
Working on Scalable backend systems ensuring low response times, handling large scale - semi structured data and providing impactful solutions that save an estimated 50 hours per year teacher.
I have a Bachelors in Computer Science from University Jaipur and have dropped out from IIT Guwhati's Masters Programme.
Previously, I interned at Dell with their Enterprise Business Information Analytics Team.
Have also contributed as Web Development Intern to CampK12 - an EdTech startup that was ahead of its time.
🔭 I have a cumulative 3 years experience as a Full Stack Web Developer
🌱 I’m currently learning Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms, Redis, LLM Product Integration and AWS Tooling
💬 Ask me about NodeJs, React, GraphQL, SQL and Shell Scripting
📫 How to reach me deshmukhkapil4@gmail.com
⚡ Fun fact: I enjoying writing shell scripts to automate everything - I practically live in the Terminal