Converting Text in image to Text of our Handwriting
It takes an image as an input, for example a screenshot of some content in any website.
Then it will convert that text to the image of our handwriting.
We need a charset which contains images of all the characters handwritten and
named by their ASCII values
This program has 2 parts.
- First we do OCR on the input image using tesseract and then save the output in a textfile (OCR_output.txt).
- Then we use the textwrapper module to wrap the text in the textfile according to our requirements. Then the program identifies the corresponding letter in our charset and concatenates it to produce the final Image, which is the text in out hand writing.
We can also use the seperately alone. We can copy text from internet and paste it the OCR_output.txt Then the program will convert it to the text of our Handwriting.