- boto3
- python
- configure aws credentials
- An AWS account
Python 3.7+
- Create SQS and S3 endpoints for your VPC
- Make sure you have IAM LabRole at https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home?region=us-west-1#/roles
- Create a AWS Log Group and name it /ecs/ContainerLogGroup
Go into the directory 'Application' To start up the application, execute this command
python startup.py
To use the application execute this command
python client.py {path to image}
You can provide multiple images to the program, separated by spaces. For example:
python client.py test_images/taj.png test_images/dice.png
Some test images are provided in the folder test_images.
- Pragya Gurung
- Linda Lomenčíková