Contains the files for the projects and file "Basics.pdf" which contains the theory I studied for this self project.
The Hill cipher is a classical symmetric encryption algorithm that uses linear algebra to encrypt and decrypt messages. It is one of the earliest examples of polygraphic substitution ciphers. The Hill cipher operates by taking a block of plaintext letters and converting them into a block of ciphertext letters using matrix multiplication.
Key Matrix: A key matrix of size
$n \times n$ is chosen. This matrix must be invertible (i.e., it must have a non-zero determinant modulo 26 if working with the English alphabet). -
Plaintext Vector: The plaintext is divided into blocks of size
$n$ . Each block is represented as a vector. - Encryption: Each plaintext vector is multiplied by the key matrix to produce the ciphertext vector. The operations are performed modulo 26.
- Decryption: The inverse of the key matrix is used to convert the ciphertext vectors back to plaintext vectors.
The script consists of two main modes:
Mode 1: Encryption
The script should accept a plaintext input, convert it into ciphertext using a given key of size
Mode 2: Key Discovery
The script should take a known plaintext and its corresponding ciphertext as input and output the key.
The key size is fixed to be a
Your encryption script should be able to encrypt a message of any size with a given key, where the message and key consist entirely of capital english alphabet letters.
Your decryption script should be able to generate the key matrix given a (plaintext,ciphertext) pair with size more than 9 characters and the matrices formed by resizing the plaintext and ciphertext into a
The submission will be tested on various input sizes and it is gauranteed that the (plaintext,ciphertext) pairs will form an invertible matrix modulo 26.
Given the message "ANTCATDOG" and ciphertext "TIMFINWLY", the key produced should be "GYBNQKURP"
You have to implement an "adaptive chosen ciphertext" attack on RSA given oracle access to a function that tells you if the decryption of the inputted ciphertext is even or odd.
To achieve that you have to implement the following:
- Create a 1024-bit RSA pair (p,q,e,d,n)
- Implement an encryption function that encrypts a message 'm' with [e,n] to give ciphertext 'c'
- Implement a decryption function that returns the decryption of ciphertext 'c' with [d,n] to give 'm'
- Implement an oracle function that takes as input a ciphertext 'c' and has access to the previously generated secret key 'd' and outputs True if Dec(c,d) is odd and False if Dec(c,d) is even
- Finally implement a function that takes as input an honest ciphertext 'c' and adaptively queries the oracle with multiple ciphertexts to figure out the decrypted message 'm'