A soundscape mixer for use in DnD and other settings.
Get the latest version here: https://github.com/Kanium/AudioMixer/releases/
Place sounds inside the "sounds" folder. I suggest organizing them into folders inside the sounds folder.
If you press "s" a save of your current layout will be made. These save files are accessible in:
C:/Users/Your Username/AppData/Roaming/AudioMixer
You can also find this by using the start button search field to write exactly: %appdata% Then navigate ro Roaming, and then AudioMixer.
These files are named for the system time, so the larger numbers are the most recent. I suggect renaming them and then copying them over to this main game folder.
With a saved layout file, you can drag and drop it into the program window to instantly load up your layout just as saved.
NOTE If you add, remove, move, or rename sounds or folders in the sounds folder, your save will become incompatible. Please make sure to set up all of your audio before attempting to add new files. The only exception might be: to add new files you can add a folder that is GUARANTEED to be LAST alphabetically in the search order: that way the order of all previous files is preserved.