R package to manage and analyse Plasmodium falciparum whole genome SNPs data.
before installing this package, make sure the following tools are installed:
devtools::install_github("FellouMada/rSNPdata", build_vignettes = TRUE)
function name | description |
get_snpdata | Create SNPdata onject. the functions in this package require a SNPdata object. This can be generated with this function |
print the SNPdata object | |
compute_MAF | calculate the snp minor allele frequency based on the allelic depth and minor allele frequency |
calculate_Fws | calculate the within-host genetic diversity index |
function name | description |
filter_snps_samples | filter loci and samples from the SNPdata object |
select_chrom | select data for a provided list of chromosomes |
drop_snps | remove a set of SNPs from the SNPdata object |
drop_samples | remove a set of samples from the SNPdata object |
function name | description |
phase_mixed_genotypes | Phase mixed genotypes based on number of read supporting each allele and Bernoulli distribution. This process will be repeated nsim times and data from iteration with highest correlation between MAF phased data and MAF raw data will be retained |
impute_missing_genotypes | impute missing genotypes based on minor allele frequency and Bernoulli distribution. This process will be repeated nsim times and data from iteration with highest correlation between MAF imputed data and MAF raw data will be retained |
function name | description |
calculate_wcFst | Calculate Weir & Cockerham's Fst. This is achieved using the vcflib tools |
calculate_LD | Calculate LD R^2 between all pair of loci using vcftools |
calculate_IBS | Calculate identity by state matrix |
calculate_iR | Calculate the iR index between pairs of populations to determine loci with excess of IBD sharing. The calculation is based on the isoRelate R package |
calculate_relatedness | Calculate relatedness between every pair od isolates for all pairs of population. This is based on the model developed by Aimee R. Taylor and co-authors |