A powerful and flexible data transformation component for PHP, part of the KaririCode Framework. It uses attribute-based transformation with configurable processors to ensure consistent data transformation and formatting in your applications.
- Features
- Installation
- Usage
- Available Transformers
- Configuration
- Integration with Other KaririCode Components
- Development and Testing
- Contributing
- License
- Support and Community
- Attribute-based transformation for object properties
- Comprehensive set of built-in transformers for common use cases
- Easy integration with other KaririCode components
- Configurable processors for customized transformation logic
- Extensible architecture allowing custom transformers
- Robust error handling and reporting
- Chainable transformation pipelines for complex data transformation
- Built-in support for multiple transformation scenarios
- Type-safe transformation with PHP 8.3 features
- Preservation of original data types
- Flexible formatting options for various data types
You can install the Transformer component via Composer:
composer require kariricode/transformer
- PHP 8.3 or higher
- Composer
- Extensions:
- Define your data class with transformation attributes:
use KaririCode\Transformer\Attribute\Transform;
class DataFormatter
processors: ['date' => ['inputFormat' => 'd/m/Y', 'outputFormat' => 'Y-m-d']]
private string $date = '25/12/2024';
processors: ['number' => ['decimals' => 2, 'decimalPoint' => ',', 'thousandsSeparator' => '.']]
private float $price = 1234.56;
processors: ['mask' => ['type' => 'phone']]
private string $phone = '11999887766';
// Getters and setters...
- Set up the transformer and use it:
use KaririCode\ProcessorPipeline\ProcessorRegistry;
use KaririCode\Transformer\Transformer;
use KaririCode\Transformer\Processor\Data\{DateTransformer, NumberTransformer};
use KaririCode\Transformer\Processor\String\MaskTransformer;
$registry = new ProcessorRegistry();
$registry->register('transformer', 'date', new DateTransformer());
$registry->register('transformer', 'number', new NumberTransformer());
$registry->register('transformer', 'mask', new MaskTransformer());
$transformer = new Transformer($registry);
$formatter = new DataFormatter();
$result = $transformer->transform($formatter);
if ($result->isValid()) {
echo "Date: " . $formatter->getDate() . "\n"; // Output: 2024-12-25
echo "Price: " . $formatter->getPrice() . "\n"; // Output: 1.234,56
echo "Phone: " . $formatter->getPhone() . "\n"; // Output: (11) 99988-7766
Here's an example of how to use the KaririCode Transformer in a real-world scenario, demonstrating various transformation capabilities:
use KaririCode\Transformer\Attribute\Transform;
class ComplexDataTransformer
processors: ['case' => ['case' => 'snake']]
private string $text = 'transformThisTextToSnakeCase';
processors: ['slug' => []]
private string $title = 'This is a Title for URL!';
processors: ['arrayKey' => ['case' => 'camel']]
private array $data = [
'user_name' => 'John Doe',
'email_address' => 'john@example.com',
'phone_number' => '1234567890'
processors: [
'template' => [
'template' => 'Hello {{name}}, your order #{{order_id}} is {{status}}',
'removeUnmatchedTags' => true,
'preserveData' => true
private array $templateData = [
'name' => 'John',
'order_id' => '12345',
'status' => 'completed'
// Getters and setters...
CaseTransformer: Transforms string case (camel, snake, pascal, kebab).
- Configuration Options:
: Target case format (lower, upper, title, sentence, camel, pascal, snake, kebab)preserveNumbers
: Whether to preserve numbers in transformation
- Configuration Options:
MaskTransformer: Applies masks to strings (phone, CPF, CNPJ, etc.).
- Configuration Options:
: Custom mask patterntype
: Predefined mask typeplaceholder
: Mask placeholder character
- Configuration Options:
SlugTransformer: Generates URL-friendly slugs.
- Configuration Options:
: Separator characterlowercase
: Convert to lowercasereplacements
: Custom character replacements
- Configuration Options:
TemplateTransformer: Processes templates with variable substitution.
- Configuration Options:
: Template stringremoveUnmatchedTags
: Remove unmatched placeholderspreserveData
: Keep original data in result
- Configuration Options:
DateTransformer: Converts between date formats.
- Configuration Options:
: Input date formatoutputFormat
: Output date formatinputTimezone
: Input timezoneoutputTimezone
: Output timezone
- Configuration Options:
NumberTransformer: Formats numbers with locale-specific settings.
- Configuration Options:
: Number of decimal placesdecimalPoint
: Decimal separatorthousandsSeparator
: Thousands separatorroundUp
: Round up decimals
- Configuration Options:
JsonTransformer: Handles JSON encoding/decoding.
- Configuration Options:
: JSON encoding optionspreserveType
: Keep original data typeassoc
: Use associative arrays
- Configuration Options:
ArrayFlattenTransformer: Flattens nested arrays.
- Configuration Options:
: Maximum depth to flattenseparator
: Key separator for flattened structure
- Configuration Options:
ArrayGroupTransformer: Groups array elements by key.
- Configuration Options:
: Key to group bypreserveKeys
: Maintain original keys
- Configuration Options:
ArrayKeyTransformer: Transforms array keys.
- Configuration Options:
: Target case for keysrecursive
: Apply to nested arrays
- Configuration Options:
ArrayMapTransformer: Maps array keys to new structure.
- Configuration Options:
: Key mapping configurationremoveUnmapped
: Remove unmapped keysrecursive
: Apply to nested arrays
- Configuration Options:
ChainTransformer: Executes multiple transformers in sequence.
- Configuration Options:
: Array of transformers to executestopOnError
: Stop chain on first error
- Configuration Options:
ConditionalTransformer: Applies transformations based on conditions.
- Configuration Options:
: Condition callbacktransformer
: Transformer to applydefaultValue
: Value when condition fails
- Configuration Options:
Transformers can be configured globally or per-instance. Example of configuring the NumberTransformer:
use KaririCode\Transformer\Processor\Data\NumberTransformer;
$numberTransformer = new NumberTransformer();
'decimals' => 2,
'decimalPoint' => ',',
'thousandsSeparator' => '.',
$registry->register('transformer', 'number', $numberTransformer);
The Transformer component integrates with:
- KaririCode\Contract: Provides interfaces for component integration
- KaririCode\ProcessorPipeline: Used for transformation pipelines
- KaririCode\PropertyInspector: Processes transformation attributes
Complete registry setup example:
$registry = new ProcessorRegistry();
// Register String Transformers
$registry->register('transformer', 'case', new CaseTransformer())
->register('transformer', 'mask', new MaskTransformer())
->register('transformer', 'slug', new SlugTransformer())
->register('transformer', 'template', new TemplateTransformer());
// Register Data Transformers
$registry->register('transformer', 'date', new DateTransformer())
->register('transformer', 'number', new NumberTransformer())
->register('transformer', 'json', new JsonTransformer());
// Register Array Transformers
$registry->register('transformer', 'arrayFlat', new ArrayFlattenTransformer())
->register('transformer', 'arrayGroup', new ArrayGroupTransformer())
->register('transformer', 'arrayKey', new ArrayKeyTransformer())
->register('transformer', 'arrayMap', new ArrayMapTransformer());
Similar development setup as the Validator component, using Docker and Make commands.
make up
: Start servicesmake down
: Stop servicesmake test
: Run testsmake coverage
: Generate coverage reportmake cs-fix
: Fix code stylemake quality
: Run quality checks
Contributions are welcome! Please see our Contributing Guide.
MIT License - see LICENSE file.
- Documentation: https://kariricode.org/docs/transformer
- Issues: GitHub Issues
- Forum: KaririCode Club Community
- Stack Overflow: Tag with
Built with ❤️ by the KaririCode team. Transforming data with elegance and precision.