Before you begin, ensure you meet the following requirements, feel free to skip if you have this installed already:
Go (version 1.16 or newer) installed on your machine. Download Go.
Database (PostgreSQL) installed and running on your machine. The application will bootstrap the database schema automatically upon startup using the GORM.
Create an environment variable(will be automatically configured in future versions)
Configure the following environment variables in a .env file or in your environment before running the application:
DB_NAME (e.g., mywebappdb) - Ensure this database exists; the application will bootstrap or migrate the schema automatically.
JWT_SECRET_KEY - Used for signing JWT tokens.
Clone the repository: git clone cd webapp (Ensure that you have created the env file as it would have been ignored by git)
Install the Go dependencies: go mod tidy
Build the application: go build
Run the application: go run main.go
For testing purposes:
Testing status..,