str1 = '548'
str2 = "eight"
str_multiple_lines = '''
this is a
multiple line string
multiple lines!
str_formatted f'formatted string {str1}'
apple = 8
apple = 4.4
dog = True Ivan = False
- SQUARE brackets
- commas seperated values
- takes values of a type
list_of_strings = ['katherine', 'rob', 'curtis']
list_of_ints = [0, 1, 5, 6, 43, 56]
list_of_floats = [0.4 , 3.6 , 8.3]
- Adding a number to another number
item += 1
- Number is greater than other number
item > 10
- Number is less than other number
item < 10
- Number is equal to other number
item == 20
- Number is greater than or equal to other number
item >= 10
- Number is less than or equal to other number
item <= 10
While loop
x = 0
while x < 10:
x += 1
For loops
list_of_strings = ['katherine', 'rob', 'curtis']
for item in list_of_strings:
Getting a number
userAge = input('What is your age? ')
if userAge.isdigit():
print(f'in 10 years, your age will be {int(userAge) + 10}')
print('please only use a number for age')
Getting a string
name = input('What is your name ')
print(f'Hello {name}')
"if you use a : the next line will be indented"
if True:
elif True:
while True:
for item in ['hello']:
def hello ():
battleShip = [
[2, 5, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 0, 10],
[1, 0, 0, 0]
print(battleShip[0][0]) # 2
print(battleShip[0][1]) # 5
print(battleShip[2][3]) # 10