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kave versioning

Dr. Rob Lambert, PhD edited this page Sep 13, 2016 · 3 revisions

KAVE gathers together a plethora of existing software, each have their own version convention.

KAVE also has a versioning convention, described in the readme:

Version Hierarchy

Ambari Version -> HDP Version -> KAVE version

  • Ambari: The Apache Ambari community edits, tags, packages, and releases Ambari. Ambari is an installer for hadoop and related components, including a semi-automated way of installing via blueprints, and a human-instigated way via a web interface. Ambari releases are given version numbers looking something like "" . If installing KAVE with our installer, we will have picked a compatible version of ambari for you, but there are several ways of installing KAVE. It can also be installed upon an pre-installed ambari.
  • HDP stack: Each ambari release contains different software stacks operating independently. These are versioned line "2.4". So each ambari can potentially install many different software stacks. If installing KAVE with our installer, we will have picked a compatible HDP stack for you, but there are several ways of installing KAVE. It can also be installed upon an pre-installed ambari.
  • KAVE version: In principle the KAVE extensions can be added to almost any ambari stack and a big list of compatible ambari versions, but it is unlikely for the end user to experiment with this. If installing KAVE with our installer, we will have picked a compatible ambari and HDP stack for you, but there are several ways of installing KAVE.

This can get confusing, because at the time of writing all the version numbers of these three things sat in the 2.X range. But the version of Ambari, HDP and KAVE are in principle only loosely coupled and the two important numbers are the HDP stack and the KAVE version.

Starting at the kave 2.2-Beta release we have made the name of our stack reflect this important relationship.

Table of Contents

For users, installers, and other persons interested in the KAVE, or developing solutions on top of a KAVE.

Kave on Azure

For contributors

For someone who modifies the AmbariKave code itself and contributes to this project. Persons working on top of existing KAVEs or developing solutions on top of KAVE don't need to read any of this second part.

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