PySparkPivot is a small python module for Spark, to manipulate PySpark Dataframes/RDD into spreadsheet-style pivot tables for data aggregation.
We developed this module to provide pivot table functionality for PySpark. The concept is very similar to that in the Pandas library - see Data is often stored in CSV files or databases in so-called “stacked” or “record” format. For some analyses it's preferable for the columns and indices of a table to represent unique values rather than individual observations. Pivot tables allow you to reshape the data in this way, aggregating over individual observations using a variety of functions.
The simplest form of pivot table is a cross-tabulation, counting the number of observations matching the values of the index and column. This functionality is already available in the crosstab function in the pyspark.sql.DataFrame class Crosstab: Crosstab computes a pair-wise frequency (contingency) table of the given columns.
This module allows for the added aggregation functions of average (mean), max, min and sum.
Spark and PySpark need to be installed and on your path.
Pandas if you want to run the examples
You will also need to have a Spark context and SQL context running.
Download the zip and extract contents
Either run your jobs from this directory, set this on your PYTHONPATH, or copy the module to somewhere already on your PYTHONPATH
Generate a pivot table for an edited version of the Iris data set, which has an extra randomised colour variable.
>>> # see the inline help
>>> import pysparkpivot
>>> help(pysparkpivot)
>>> # Loading a small csv into spark and then pivoting it
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> pandas_df = pd.read_csv('./examples/iris.csv')
>>> spark_df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(pandas_df)
>>> from pysparkpivot import PivotTableFactory
>>> piv = PivotTableFactory(spark_df, sqlContext)
>>> pivot_table = piv.create(index=['Target'], columns=['Colour'],
... values=['SepLength'], aggregates=['AVG'])
Also see the Jupyter notebook "Pivot-demo" in the examples folder
Our plan is to make this into a Spark package so that it can be imported into Spark directly. We would ideally like to add further aggregation functions such as median. Pull requests welcome.