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File metadata and controls

158 lines (116 loc) · 8.51 KB

Doll format

All parts of a given doll must be in the same folder. This folder must contain at least one lisp file describing the doll itself, and at least one png file for the doll to use, plus anything else it requires like media files. The folder contents may also be stored in a zip archive. Should a zip archive contain more than one lisp file, the application will ask the user which one to load.

A doll configuration file is a single S-expression, containing at least one cels form. Other supported forms are screen, events, background, default-on, and TBD.


The screen form is simple. It takes two integer arguments defining the size of the playfield. That's all there is to it. By default, the playfield is 480 by 400 pixels (448 by 320 in KiSS/GS).


The cels form takes a list with the following items:

  • file: the base name of the cel's image. The .png extension is implied.
  • id: used to build multi-cel parts and for scripting. If missing, file is used as an identifier instead.
  • partof: the ID of another cel, used to build multi-cel parts.
  • pos: the starting position for the part. See below.
  • offset: a two-value list to specify an extra offset for this cel as part of a multi-cel part, so you can crop your PNG files.
  • fix: a value determining how many attempts are needed before the part comes off and can be moved freely. A value of 100 or higher makes it permanently stuck, but the max-fix form can replace this value.
  • locked: a clearer alternative to fix 100 that does not take any arguments.
  • alpha: a value from 0 to 255 to determine the opacity of the cel. PNG already allows this but this lets you change the cel's opacity on the fly.
  • ghost: when set, the cel can't be clicked at all.
  • unmapped: makes the cel start out invisible, as if you used an unmap command in the initialize script event.
  • on: a string value listing which sets this cel is present on.

Any time you use partof to add a cel to an already-defined part, you can leave off any arguments that would affect that part, such as pos, fix, and locked. In KiSS/GS it's common for something fixed to all have the same value repeated for every cel. You don't need to do this here. If you do, the new value will replace whatever it was set to before.

As such:

    (file "pants") ; Defines a part "pants", with a cel "pants", using "pants.png", starting in the top-left corner.
    (file "hair" partof "body") ; Defines a part "body", with a cel "hair", using "hair.png".
    (file "front-arm" partof "body") ; Adds a cel "front-arm", using "front-arm.png", to the "body" part that "hair" started.
    (file "body" id "main-body" partof "body") ; Adds a cel "main-body", using "body.png", to the "body" part.
    (file "logo" pos (300 170) ghost) ; Adds a "logo" part at the specified position in the playfield that can't be clicked on.
    (file "balloon" pos (16 16) locked on "479") ; Adds a "balloon" part that can be clicked but not moved, on sets 4, 7, and 9.
    (file "undies" pos (52 90) fix 10) ; Adds an "undies" part that can't be moved until you try it ten times.
    (file "undies-behind" partof "undies" fix 16) ; Adds a back side to the "undies" part but also makes it take 16 clicks.

The pos argument is a little intricate. It can take a single two-value -- pos (16 16) -- and the part will appear on that exact spot in all ten sets, or it can take a list of position values, one for each set, in which case:

  • An (x y) coordinate pair works as it should, setting the part's position for that set.
  • An (x y >) coordinate pair with a > added copies that position to all further sets. pos (12 34) is in fact equivalent to pos ((12 34 >)).
  • A single * copies the coordinate for the first set. If this is the first set, it's equal to (0 0).

Therefore, an expression like pos ((556 22) (561 76) (561 76) (316 88 >) (561 76)) would set the first set's coordinates to 556 by 22, the second and third to 561 by 76, the fourth to 316 by 88, the fifth to 561 by 76 again, and the sixth through tenth to 316 by 88 again, because that one had a >.

Other types of cels

If, instead of file you start a cel off with label or button, you can make arbitrary text labels and icon buttons.

For a text label:

  • text: the text to show. There is no default.
  • width: the maximum width of the text before it tries to wrap to a new line. By default, it'll just try to fit the whole line.
  • color: a three-value list with the RGB values to draw the text in. Defaults to black.
  • font: either a single string specifying the font name (font "Impact") or a list with a font name and point size, or font name, size, and any combination of the symbols bold, italic, and center.

For a button, the very next thing needs to be an image file, like with file. This will be the image shown on the button, and the button will extend four pixels in all directions. Buttons act just like cels, but will automatically display "hot" and "pressed" states.

Both of these special cels are still cels, and as such they too have IDs, can be a part of something bigger, be fixed, appear only on certain sets, and have alpha blending applied.


Optional. If it's left out, the background for all sets will be a lovely cornflower blue. This form can take either a list of background definitions, or one of them directly. A background definition is one of the following:

  • An RGB triplet;
  • The symbol gradient followed by two RGB triplets and optionally an angle in degrees;
  • A string literal with the name of a PNG file, without the .png extension at the end;
  • The same, but with the symbol tiled afterwards;

Whichever background is first in the list is used for all sets that don't have one set up. That is, if you have a doll with ten sets but only three background definitions, the latter seven sets will use the background for the first set.

As a single background:

(background "party")

As a series

(background  ;<-from-> <---to---> deg
    (gradient 39 89 91 34 204 221 45) ;set 0, also used for sets 4-10 if available
    (gradient 24 24 24 103 33 68) ;set 1, 90 degrees is implied
    (34 204 221)

TODO: Consider allowing using System.Drawing.KnownColor entries by name, like (background aliceblue)


Simply specifies which sets a cel should appear on if the on argument is not used:

(default-on "0123") ; Now every cel without an `on` argument is implied to have an `on "0123"`.
    (file "magic-wand") ; Appears on sets 0, 1, 2, and 3, but not 4 and higher.
    ; Imagine more cels here, all of them without an `on`.
    (file "balloon" on "2") ; Only appears on set 2, none of the others.


Allows you to specify another value to stand for "absolutely unmovable". As stated, this is 100 by default.


The events form likewise takes a list, this time of event structures. Each event starts with an event trigger form, followed by any number of command forms. See Scripting below for more information.

Functional Example

    (screen 640 400) ;sets the playfield size
    (background 100 149 237) ;sets the background color
    ;(background gradient 100 149 237 67 100 160 45) ;use a gradient at a 45-degree angle as the background
        (file "shorts" offset (0 2) pos (240 94))
        (file "shirt" offset (0 2) pos (240 16))
        (file "suit" id "bathing suit" pos ((240 140) (260 160) (280 180)) on "012")
        (file "leftleg" pos (200 128))
        (file "rightleg" pos (160 128))
        (file "bottom" pos (73 131) fix 4)
        (file "top" pos (61 92) fix 4)
        (file "base" pos (4 4) locked)
        (file "shorts_" partof "shorts" offset (6 0))
        (file "shirt_" partof "shirt" offset (27 0))
        ; Long form, specifying the same parts again.
        ((collide "bathing suit" "base")
            (moverel "bathing suit" "base" 57 66)
        ; Short form -- whatever collided is implied for the moverel command.
        ((collide "shirt" "base") (moverel 54 59))
        ((collide "shorts" "base") (moverel 66 121))
        ((collide "top" "base") (moverel 57 88))
        ((collide "bottom" "base") (moverel 69 127))
        ((collide "rightleg" "base") (moverel 25 140))
        ((collide "leftleg" "base") (moverel 54 231))

Given matching cell images the above configuration may look a little like this: