- refactor widget props see README.MD.
- expo SDK 42 Support.
- update version for some packages to stay updated.
- add option to retrieve assets Metadata (Exif, LocalUri and more...).
- add the option to send
for default top navigator. - add option to bind
length for your custom top navigator.
- expo permissions package removed.
- update version for some packages to stay updated.
- defaultTopNavigator props changed
you now have buttonTextStyle
and buttonStyle
and midTextColor
-buttonTextStyle - send style to design the text inside the button -buttonStyle - send style to design the button itself -midTextColor - send color to override middle text color
- add option to override selected text on default top navigator.
- now
and all fields become mandatory field.
- Add spinnerColor attribute
- Removed ['buttonBgColor','buttonTextColor','midTextColor'] props from DefaultNavigator
- expo SDK 42 Support.
- add option to retrieve assets Metadata (Exif, LocalUri and more...).
- add the option to send
for default top navigator. - add option to bind
length for your custom top navigator.
- Add
to define how many images to load first time.
- Add selectedText to default navigator
- Add Resize , Compress and Base64 Support
- Add Expo Image Manipulator
- Add Spinner component shows while Manipulating images.
- Update dependencies to support expo 40
- Add Style prop to style DefaultNavigator.
- Add onError prop will fire whenever there is error loading Assets.
- You can send simple component instead of icon components , to display numbers on top of the images (instead of icon)
for example:
const SelectedIcon = ({size,index,color}: SelectedIconProps) => <Text style={{color:color,fontSize:size}}>{index + 1}</Text>
Type should look like
type SelectedIconProps = { iconName:string, color:string, bg:string, size:number index:number}
And just send this simple component on "selectedIcon" when using the widget
selectedIcon: { Component: SelectedIcon, iconName: '', color: 'white', bg: '#ffffff90', size: 22}
- "after" field Parse was fixed on Expo SDK 39 , it's now working smoothly on Android and IOS.
- Fix design bug , if you had less than 4 images in total , widget center it and its looking not correct, so align-items:center removed
_Request from "hypnocapybara" Was Merged (#1)
- Remove Immutable dependency
_Update to Expo SDK 39 is now required , they fix the issue with parse error on the "after" field
_Still they have issue with an asset that is not valid "Asset", images that users manually put on the Gallery folder may cause the app to close without any error.
_Request from the team to help on issue (#10398)
- Images and Videos that users manually put on the Gallery can crash the app without any error especially Telegram images and videos. Expo Media library is very buggy.
- Add an option to select images base on albums