A flexible pelican based on the github pages sundown theme created originally by orderedlist.
This theme does have a few differences from the original sundown theme. For example, slightly larger font for content, gravatar image, and social icons.
Additions such as gravatar are not required, but available. The
following settings should be added/adjusted in the pelicanconf.py
You can include a gravatar image in the top left of the template by adding the following lines to your config:
import urllib, hashlib
# Conf for pulling Gravatar Image
EMAIL = u'youremail@email.com'
DEFAULT_GRV_URL = u'http://www.example.com/default.jpg'
GRV_SIZE = 120
# construct gravatar URL
GRV_URL = "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/" + hashlib.md5(EMAIL.lower()).hexdigest() + "?"
GRV_URL += urllib.urlencode({'d':DEFAULT_GRV_URL, 's':str(GRV_SIZE)})
- KenIngle.com - Hosted on github pages