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New Solver and Thermophysical Models

Solver and Thermophysical Models

By Keivan A.Gh.

This folder contains all the required OpenFOAM utilities that have been used in this master's thesis.

Main Files

1. rhoReactingCentralFoam Solver

The utilized solver in this thesis is generally based on rhoReactingCentralFoam solver written by Duncan A. McGough at the University of Colorado Boulder, although there are some minor changes and additions in this version to make the original solver compatible with our needs and also the version of the utilized OpenFOAM.

2. New Thermodynamic and Transport Models

In this project, for calculating thermodynamic properties (Cp, H, S, and etc.) a new thermodynamic model called nasa9poly has been implemented which is based on NASA-9 polynomials for individual species. Furthermore, for calculating transport properties (κ, μ, and etc.) a new transport model called nasaPoly has been implemented which is based on NASA-7 transport polynomial for individual species.

3. New Thermophysical Models

As discussed in the report, two new thermophysical models have been implemented for this project to enable OpenFOAM to use a non-ideal-gas equation of state along with the new solver as well as the new thermodynamic and transport models to simulate the main scenario. All the required entries that have been added to the specific paths in basic, reactionThermo, and specie libraries are explained in Chapter 4.3 of the report. Generally, these two thermophysical models are as follows:

Entries Initial Model Final Model
type hePsiThermo hePsiThermo
mixture reactingMixture reactingMixture
transport sutherland nasaPoly
thermo janaf nasa9Poly
equationOfState PengRobinsonGas PengRobinsonGas
specie specie specie
energy sensibleInternalEnergy sensibleInternalEnergy


In order to use the solver, you need to download the applications folder and merge it to the applications folder in your OpenFOAM user working directory (your working directory is located under this path: $WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR). After that, you can simply go to the rhoReactingCentralFoam folder and compile the solver by using the wmake command.

Also, for using the new thermodynamic and transport models as well as the new thermophysical models, you just need to download the src folder and as before move it to your OpenFOAM user working directory. This time, first you need to compile the basic library, then the reactionThermo and specie libraries; failure to follow this sequence will lead to an error in the compilation.


For citation, please refer to the README file in the main folder.