In this project, We created an interactive web app using multiple API's to get and render info and multimedia, as well as implement like and comment features.
Major languages HTML CSS JavaScript
Frameworks None
Technologies used Use of webpack, API and ES6 syntax.
APIs used TV maze API: used for getting the show information.. Interactive API: used for like and commenting features..
Clone the Repo and power on the live-server to view the App or click on the live demo link.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Install a code editor and have a working browser.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
1- Navigate to the button on the top right green "code" button.
2- In the drop down menu choose "Download Zip" or clone it using git using the following command.
3- After extracting the files, you'll have my project on your local machine.
4- to run the project you'll need to use the following command in your terminal to set up the node modules.
$ npm run start
5- after opening the project in the localHost using live server, you might have to click the dist folder to see the project.
6- for development only purposes: $ npm run serve in the terminal.
This app will present you with a cover full of many movies and shows directly loaded from the API, you can also check out their details by clicking on them.
This app also lets you like and comment on any show poster you want, also to see the likes and comments of other users.
This App was deployed using the github apps deployment. But you can also run "npm run start" in your terminal after the setup process.
👤 Kelvin Benjamin
- GitHub: @Kelvin-Ben
- Twitter: @kevoyou144
- LinkedIn: Kelvin-Ben
👤 Stanley Tochukwu Enekwe:
- GitHub: @Enekwestanley
- Twitter: @Tochukwu87
- LinkedIn: stanley-enekwe
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc
This project is MIT licensed.