LaCrosse TX23 is a wind speed and direction sensor. It uses 3 wires for communication and power:
Pin1 - Brown(Black) - DATA Pin2 - Red - Vcc Pin3 - Green - N/C Pin4 - Yellow - GND
DATA pin is to be connected directly to one of Arduino ports.
I used this library set up to connect to the TX23-U
Created by Krzysztof Egzmont, 06.11.2016. Based on Big thanks for John.
Donations: Bitcoin - 1JrHQwJWt1JNZepT1EXqPSioXcwD227nnU Ethereum - 0xFC9713013e78f6F14bA5064E36f875dbbB32B94a
BSD license, all text above must be included in any redistribution
write_data.php needs to go in c:/xampp/htdocs