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File metadata and controls

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Instruction to work with OpenApiGenerator

Cloning the project as a submodule

git submodule add

Building the OpenApiGenerator tools.

Go to directory containing pom.xml file and run mvn package.

cd openapi-generator
mvn package

Customizing generator

Using meta tag of module openapi-generator-cli to create a new generator

java -jar openapi-generator/modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar meta \
  -o ki-generators/python-ml -n python-ml -p

Using new generator

To build new generator, go to the ki-generators/python-ml directory (which contains pom.xml file), run mvn package, go back to root directory and execute the command.

java -cp ki-generators/python-ml/target/python-ml-openapi-generator-1.0.0.jar:openapi-generator/modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar org.openapitools.codegen.OpenAPIGenerator

openapi-generator-version in pom.xml has to be found in
GeneratorTest class need reviewing to make sure the paths is set properly. Now, python-ml is an option for -g. Generating code by running the command.

java -cp ki-generators/python-ml/target/python-ml-openapi-generator-1.0.0.jar:openapi-generator/modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar \
  org.openapitools.codegen.OpenAPIGenerator generate -g python-ml \
  -i path/to/openapi.yaml \
  -o path/to/server/directory

Generation process

Source: modules/openapi-generator/src/main/java/org/openapitools/codegen/

  • configureGeneratorProperties()
    • Setting attributes of generator, such as generateApis, generateModels, generateSupportingFiles, etc.
    • processOpts(): Processing several options of generators, such as templateDir, etc.
    • preprocessOpenApi(openAPI): Handling entire openApi specs before being used for generating.
  • configureOpenApiInfo(): Adding additional properties, such as appName, appVersion, etc.
  • configPostProcessMustacheCompiler(): Setting mustache compiler.
  • generateModels()
    • processModels(definitions): Creating a HashMap object containing "models" as a List of "model" which is CodegenModel appearing in definitions.
    • allProcessedModel: Storing all processed models created by processModels() method.
    • generateModel(): Generating each models to files.
  • generateApis()
    • processOperations(): Creating a Map of tags and operations in that tags.
    • allOperations: Storing all operations created by processOperations() method.
    • Generating api files.
  • generateSupportingFiles(): Generating supporting files.

Generator modification

Note: generator aims to create a map String to Object from OpenAPI specs, before generating files.

  • Attributes
    • sourceFolder: folder contains source code files.
    • apiVersion: version of api.
    • outputFolder: root folder for all generated code (outputFolder contains sourceFolder).
    • modelTemplateFiles: list of model template files, each models will be generated in a sigle file.
    • apiTemplateFiles: list of api template files, each files contains api in the same tag.
    • supportingFiles: list of supporting files, which is generated after generating model files and api files.
    • templateDir: folder contains all template files.
    • reservedWords: a Set of reserved words specific to the language.
    • additionalProperties: additional information for generation process.
    • languageSpecificPrimitives: a Set of primitive data types of specific programming language (such as Python).
    • typeMapping: a Map from OpenApi data types to programming language data types.
  • Methods
    • modelFileFolder: Location to write model files.
    • apiFileFolder: Location to write api files.
    • toModelName: Return the name of model according to the conventions of the language (for example: PhoneNumber in Python)
    • toModelFilename: Return the name of model file according to the conventions of the language (for example: phone_number in Python)
    • toModelImport: Return the import statement of the model (for example: from openapi-server.models.phone_number import PhoneNumber)
    • toApiFilename: Return the name of api file according to the conventions of the language (for example: PetController => pet_controller in Python).
    • toOperationId: Return the name of operation id according to the conventions of the language (for example: getPet => get_pet in Python).
    • toVarName: Return the name of variable according to the conventions of the language (for example: pedId => pet_id in Python)
    • toParamName: Return the name of parameter according to the conventions of the language (for example: pedId => pet_id in Python)
    • getSchemaType: Return primitive data type if the type of schema is primitive data type or model name if it is not.
    • toDefaultValue: Return the default value of the property. Note that, value has to be compatible with language data types, for example true => True in Python.
    • toExampleValue: Return the example value of the property.
    • preprocessOpenAPI: Preprocess openAPI spec to add, modify,... information of the specification.
    • postProcessAllModels: Process data after storing all models.
    • postProcessSupportingFileData: Process data after processing supporting files.