New friends list & Active now sidebar
Gift inventory settings row icon
Chat message hover toolbar
added '--Chat-Emoji-Toolbar' variable for visibility of quick reaction emojis on message hover
added '--Embed-Remove-Button' variable for visibility of embed hider button
Chat box formatting toolbar
Chat embeds, quotes and code tables background colors
Channel list bottom bar custom status text size and color
Channel list new unreads notice
Home Nitro tab is hidden by default
Chat message formatting and avatar size
Chat reactions
Chat edit message box
Chat box & text/emoji margins when using new markdown formatting
Chat box follow channel wrapper height
Chat BetterDiscord emotes margins so it not overlaps images
Emoji picker twitch addon header and scroller margins
Emoji picker emoji overlapping right side
Channels Bottom status box margin & Voice Connected UI
Join/Create server modal
Settings & server settings row icons
Settings Gift Inventory
Titlebar classic icons
User profile server booster LVL 5 badge
User profile mutual friends online status mask
Pinned messages/recent mentions header
Send message button plugin margin
BetterFriendCount plugin badge color
Plugin Repo & Theme Repo plugin modal
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