June 18, 2015
- Changed the handling of floating vs pinned reference votes. Previously, all reference votes were considered pinned — that is, the vote always and only referred to the plan of the named vote that existed at the time the vote was made. Floating votes instead refer to the last vote made by the referred-to user, regardless of when that vote was made (including after the vote that references them).
- [] Username — This format will create a floating reference, tracking Username's most recent vote indefinitely.
- [] Plan Username - This format will create a pinned reference, using only the proposal of Username that was in place at the time the post was made.
[x] This is a plan
[x] User1
[x] Plan User1
[x] This is a modified plan
The tallied votes would then be:
User1: This is a modified plan
User2: This is a modified plan
User3: This is a plan