March 10, 2016
- Main new feature: Add ability to undo actions in the Manage Votes window. Merges, deletes, and joins can be undone. The undo buffer is preserved even if you close the Manage Votes window, so you can undo them after opening it back up again. There is no limit to the number of actions that can be undone.
- Add global option to disable generating plans from vote labels (ie: a line that defines a plan name, but has no content, and is the first line of the vote).
- Add global option to place all types of output modes inside an overall spoiler block.
- Add global option to disable proxy vote tallies (ie: referring to another user's name in order to import their vote) in order to avoid issues of a valid vote line matching a user's name.
- Rewrite handling of option to trim extended vote text so that it is more correct, and can handle more options. Separation characters inside parentheses are ignored. If there are multiple separation characters, the one closest to the 30% location is selected.
- Update vote parsing, for handling votes that are plan names, but have no other content. This is primarily for votes where there's only a plan name label for the vote, and the actual plan content is contained in the post, rather than detailed as part of the vote.
- Adjusted UI in the Global Options window to group similar options together for clarity of purpose.
- Fix bug in total voter count when plans are deleted during vote management.
- Fix parsing that still allowed the '+' character to be considered valid, after removal of that option.
- Fix bug in deleting ranked vote options in the Manage Votes window.
- Fix bug in sorting ranked votes in the Manage Votes window.