Elliptic Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange is a Diffie-Hellman key exchange based on elliptic curve over a finite field.
The security is based on the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) and Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Problem
- Basic knowledge of elliptic curves
- An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography (Second edition)
- Cryptography Standford Education
Trusted party chooses and publishes:
- Large prime
$p$ ; - Elliptic curve
$E$ over$\mathbb{F}_p$ ; - Point
$P$ in$E(\mathbb{F}_p)$ .
Alice | Bob |
Chooses a secret integer Computes |
Chooses a secret integer Computes |
Alice's private key is
Bob's private key is
Alice sends
Bob sends
The public exchange can be with only the
Alice | Bob |
Computes the number |
Computes the number |
The shared secret value is
- An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography (Second edition)